November 2008 Prayer for Canada

1 Prayer Concerning Rememberance Day

Thank God for the sacrifice especially Canadian soldiers have made for the freedom we now enjoy from tyranny etc. including freedom of speech and freedom of the press and religious freedom. Thank God for the sacrifice of both the soldiers that died fighting for Canada and those who were injured as well as those who still fought bravely but were fortunate enough to return relatively unharmed although I am sure they would still have emotional scars. Thank God for those who are still risking their lives to fight against militant Islam in Afghanistan and for those who uphold peace in different areas of the world. Pray that God would give understanding to Stephen Harper who claims to be a Christian and others in the Canadian government to realize the Pushtuns in Afghanistan that make up a main part of what they might call the Taliban or the Islamic militants are more devoted to the Pushtunwali which is a legal code very similiar the the Law of Moses and that many of them acknowledge that they are part of the 10 tribes of Israel and could be better related to from the west on this basis. Pray that more people in Canada would realize and behave accordingly that the freedom the soldiers died for or risked their lives for in the World Wars didn't include the right to live by ungodly or immoral lifestyles.

2 Prayer Concerning World Economic Crisis

Pray that Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper who claims to be an evangelical Christian would live by Christian or Biblical values and realize or live in the realization that the New World Order or a global political or economic union is not of God but will pave the way for the Antichrist and False Prophet and that he therefore will not make things easier for the progression of these one world systems in negotiations with American, European, United Nations or other world leaders and that this would also be true of other members of his government especially that are also born again Christians. Thank God that so far Stephen Harper is resisting the efforts of people like Nicolas Sarkozy the President of France for closer economic union of the world and that Stephen Harper at the recent world economic meeting said that countries should focus on having their own better regulated economies such as that in Canada and unlike what has been the case in the United States.

3 Prayer Concerning Better Justice and the Fight on Crime

Pray that Stephen Harper and the justice minister and other appropriate people in the government as well as opposition members would use the opportunity of this new parliament to continue to tighten up laws against crime especially so they would favour the victim and their rights more than the criminal and their rights or supposed rights. Especially pray for a tightening of the so far very lax laws against juvenile offenders that their sentences would be more in line with the seriousness of their crimes but that God also raise up more Bible believers Christians as counsellors and chaplains in prisons and other places that deal with prisoners or those charged with crimes. Pray also for tougher penalties for violent crimes including those with guns but for wisdom to make a distintion between handguns in urban areas that are probably mostly used by criminals and rifles and similiar guns in rural areas that might be used more by farmers and other people for self-defence or other more innocent purposes.

4 Prayer Concerning Better Behaviour in the House of Commons

Pray for better decorum or considerateness to members of parliament from other parties by members of all parties to give a better example to Canadians from their representatives in the national government.

5 Prayer Concerning National Economic Problems

Pray that Stephen Harper and other members of parliament including those related to the economy and social programs have wisdom how to allocate the money the federal government has that is on a reduced basis because of the slowing economy both in the finance and manufacturing as well as resource areas. Pray for God's wisdom what to do concerning struggling companies or sectors such as the car industry and how much should be done to maintain social programs.

For more information, comments, questions or advice contact Doug Currie at Contact Spirit and Truth Ministries
Prayer for Canada
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