About Me

Audio of Christian Testimony of Doug Currie Leader of Spirit and Truth Ministries

General Background

My name is Doug Currie and I grew up and still live in Hamilton, Ontario, Canada on Lake Ontario between Toronto, Ontario, Canada and Buffalo, New York, United States. I have always had an interest in science and technology especially astronomy and space exploration. More recently, especially since I became a born again Christian, I also have an interest in current events and history as well and Bible prophecy. I went to university in Honours Mathematics at University of Waterloo and did fine in first year but had trouble in second year when the math became very theoretical and abstract but then came to trust in the Lord Jesus Christ as my personal Lord and Saviour. At that time I was still as I continue to be quite impressed by the vastness and orderliness of creation including the universe and was considering whether there was a creator behind this great creation. The scripture God used for my salvation was the main passage about the new birth by God's Holy Spirit in Gospel of John 3:3-8. I trusted in the Lord Jesus Christ as my personal Lord and Saviour then in fall 1980. After completing a college diploma and a couple certificates that didn't lead to paid work in bookkeeping or office work, I felt the Lord calling me to full-time Christian work. As well as doing some street evangelism and some personal witnessing mostly in Hamilton and sometimes in Toronto or occasionally in other cities in southern Ontario I also disciple and have fellowship with other Christians and some seekers after God through Jesus. I also continue to read the Bible and have now read it through from Genesis to Revelation at least 20 or 25 times and other especially non-fiction material especially about current events, science especially astronomy and space exploration and archaeology and history. I strongly take the Bible from a literal perspective and believe that is the correct way for anybody to read it and that some spiritualizing the Bible especially the false teaching that the Church is the new or true Israel has led to much error and confusion including by those who claim to be Christians. I am also trying to learn Chinese especially Cantonese and Chinese characters and some Mandarin and have a fair degree of fluency in the former with my going to a Cantonese church in Toronto also helping. Part of the reason for my learning Chinese is so I can communicate better with Chinese people and share the gospel and gain a Chinese perspective from written material or on the radio in Chinese. I also know a little bit of some other languages such as some phrases and some French from high school but Chinese especially Cantonese and Chinese characters is the language I know best after English.

Although I can't say exactly when I still believe the Lord Jesus Christ will come very soon first to take his true Church to heaven at the rapture. God's true Church is composed of people who have personally trusted in the Lord Jesus Christ that he died for our sins and rose again from the dead to give us new life. Then God will allow the 7 year tribulation for those left behind then Jesus will come again with His Church and some Old Testament saints to set up His kingdom on earth for 1000 years or peace, prosperity and righteousness. Then we believe God through Jesus will set up the last judgment especially for those who died in their sins or those living in the Millennium. Then God will establish the New Heavens and New Earth and New Jerusalem for believers and the Lake of Fire for those who die without Christ. I urge the reader to trust in Jesus Christ as soon as possible especially in these current remaining days of the age of grace. I would be glad to offer advice as I am able to those who request it on this or other subjects especially to those open to Bible centred answers.

Doug Currie Picture

Reason for Setting Up This Web Site

I had done evangelism for about 20 years since 1980 when I was saved, mostly personal evangelism and street evangelism and had been frustrated for a long time with having to wait longer than I liked for good weather, not too cold and at least mostly sunny, to do street witnessing that I wanted some alternate means of evangelism. I had also become frustrated when I tried to publish some bible study papers I had written and found they were quite expensive to publish, especially just with my own resources. In 2000 I had recently obtained my own computer and internet access and then in about 2004 after looking at web sites on the computer for several years and taking some basic courses in the web site development language html I decided with God's help to start my own web site. At first I only had a limited amount of information, but now I have a considerable amount of information and have set up an outline within which I can include future information under one or other of my existing web pages. However occasionally I feel compelled to set up additional web pages. Although I appreciate the steady stream of hits on my web site. However I am somewhat disappointed at the lack of e-mails asking questions or desiring to discuss with people open to a Bible-centred perspective the considerable amount of information on many subjects on my web site although I have been thankful for those who have responded. Your questions, comments or seeking advice on these or other subjects are welcome as long as they are sincere and are open to an answer from a Bible centred Christ centred perspective. Although this might be unpopular with some people I am confident that this is the truth and what can be to one's eternal benefit as well as God's blessing in this life. I have many books and some magazines and regularly search the internet and listen to the radio and so I will be continuing to add information as the Lord leads me and shows me things but perhaps there are individual questions that I could answer more specifically for those who share these inquiries. Included in my endeavours are continuing reading through God's Word - the Holy Bible in which God continues to show me new insights including in passages that I previously thought I was already familiar with. I am confident that God can do the same for you the reader of this web site if you haven't yet read the Bible for yourself or haven't done so for a considerable time. I believe all truth is God's truth and that we can also learn things from other non-fiction sources such as science, history and current events but that especially for myself and other Bible believing or born again Christians the Bible should be our guide for these other subjects as well. Enjoy your browsing through my web site and feel free to ask questions on any material you would like more information. I might not always know the answers but I will do my best and try to research an answer if I am not certain at first.

Sincerely a Christian saved and kept by God's grace through Jesus Christ, Doug Currie

For more information, comments, questions or advice contact Doug Currie at Contact Spirit and Truth Ministries
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