The tribulation or 70th week of Daniel is a main topic in God's Word - the Holy Bible and important passages about it are the Olivet Discourse in Gospel of Matthew 24 and 25, 2 Thessalonians 2:1-12, Revelation chapters 6 through 18 and many passages in the Old Testament or Hebrew scriptures especially in the prophets and the Book of Psalms although there are references to it in other parts of the Bible as well. The tribulation especially the second half of it called the great tribulation will be the worst time on earth in human history and it will involve the whole world. During this time an evil power hungry dictator popularly called The Antichrist but called in the Bible such titles as the beast out of the sea, the man of sin or the little horn with his associate the beast out of the land, the false prophet or that wicked one will rule the earth especially for the second half of the tribulation with an iron fist under the control of Satan the devil. During this period God will also judge the world with three series of 7 plagues that will be devastating to the earth and its inhabitants for their rejecting or neglecting to trust in Jesus in this present age of grace and for God to judge this world system that he has left reasonably unscathed despite its rebellion against him since the time of the Tower of Babel and the Flood of Noah. God will however provide a way of salvation for people that end up on earth during the tribulation at least to those people who haven't heard and neglected or rejected during this present age of grace or church age the gospel message of the death on the cross for our sins and his resurrection from the dead to give us new life. The true Church of all born again Christians who have trusted in the Lord Jesus Christ as our Lord and Saviour during this age of grace will be caught up or raptured to heaven to be with the Lord Jesus just before the tribulation starts and will not be on earth during this time of God's judgment. The tribulation is not meant to refine the Church but to judge the world. During the tribulation God will work through Israel or the Jews his chosen earthly people especially the 144,000 witnesses and the two olive trees who will be Elijah and probably Moses although some people say the second one will be Enoch. God will end the tribulation with His Jesus taking the Antichrist and False Prophet and casting them in the bottomless pit and destroying with the fiery sword of his mouth all the ungodly and anti-semitic armies that come against Jerusalem and Israel to try to destroy the Jews or the nation of Israel and Jesus as the Christian Saviour and Jewish Messiah will then set up God's government over all the earth through Jesus as the Jewish Messiah and King of Israel and the King of kings over the nations over which he will rule through Israel as the primary nation in the world but also through all his people of all nations that have trusted in HIm for our righteousness in previous ages including in Old Testament times and throughout the present Church age.
In Revelation 8 there is described some of the trumpet judgments that will happen later in the 1st half of the tribulation with chapters 12 and 13 being the dividing middle of the tribulation. The second of the trumpet judgments involves a great mountain that will probably be an asteroid cast into the sea or oceans. This results in a third part or a significant part of the sea or oceans to become blood. This likely will be from the third part of the animal ocean life including mollusks or shellfish and humans in ships dying and shedding their blood. According to the article Blood by the online encyclopedia Wikipedia the blood of the majority of mollusks or shellfish such as probably clams, snails or oysters or creatures like that and some anthropods such as the horseshoe crabs is blue and is based on the chemical Hemocyanin that includes copper I believe mostly in the place of iron in blood of humans and other mammals and fish. There are other even more exotic types of blood most of which are not red in colour and at least some of which also are based on some other element than iron. These include Chlorocruorin of annelid worms and some other creatures and is green in colour, Hemerhythrin that is employed by some sea invertebrates including brachiopods that s violet-pink when exposed to oxygen and Hemovanadin that is used by some other sea animals such as sea squirts that use proteins that include the element vanadium. When hemovandin comes in contact with oxyten in turns a shade of yellow. What this all means from a biblical perspective is that there could be in some applications of the bible including this one a greater variety of the word blood than is commonly thought and more than I thought until recently. Since most mullusks could include a considerable part of sea life including that could be destroyed by this great mountain or asteroid falling into the sea there could be a definite tinge of blue to the probably mostly red blood that will be shed in this plague. The blood will still mostly be red colour I think because all fish and mammals including sea ones like whales, dolphins and seals have red blood. The scripture reference from Revelation 8 of a great amount of blood including of a blue colour or other colours from copper containing mollusk or other sea life blood in this trumpet judgment in the tribulation in which a great mountain or asteroid falls into the ocean is as follows:
And the second angel sounded, and as it were a great mountain burning with fire was cast into the sea: and the third part of the sea became blood; And the third part of the creatures which were in the sea, and had life, died; and the third part of the ships were destroyed. Revelation 8:8-9
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