The Tribulation or Third Temple Part 3

December 2018 Hannukah Re-Dedication of the Altar Re-enactment by Jewish Temple Priests on Altar Ready for Use in Third Jewish Temple on Temple Mount and Significance

On December 2, 2018 which was the last day of Hannukah 2018 Jewish Temple activists from the Sanhedrin and the Temple Institute carried out a dedication of the altar of sacrifice ceremony. This ceremony took place in Jerusalem in the old city in a park near the Temple Mount. Although the Jerusalem Israel police gave permission for the Jewish Temple activists to offer the lamb animal sacrifice on this altar, that permission was denied by Jerusalem legal authorities. Therefore the Temple Insitute and Sanhedrin carried out the sacrifice in another location and brought the remains of the sacrificed lamb to the site of the dedication of the altar ceremony in Jerusalem not far from the Temple Mount. The Sanhedrin and Temple Institute also carried out a full re-enactment of the daily temple service in association with the dedication of the altar of sacrifice or brazen altar. This altar of sacrifice was made of stone with some wood on top and was about 9 feet by 9 feet square and five feet high with a stone ramp leading to the top of the altar so the Jewish priests could approach the top of the altar to offer the animal offerings. A Jewish priest ended up just bringing a leg of the lamb and offering that on the fire at the top of the altar. He or some other Jewish priest then offered grain or the meal or meat offering and wine or the drink offering or oblation on it. The Jewish priests also used a laver to wash their hands and feet before the service, lit a menorah and after they brought the animal sacrifice or offering on the altar of sacrifice brought some of the remains and some spices to the altar of incense. All these things were on a platform which could have been a flatbed truck that transported the altar of sacrifice and perhaps the other things there. At the end of the ceremony some Jewish priests blew some silver trumpets. Also present at the ceremony were Rabbi Hillel Weiss acting leader of the Sanhedrin or Jewish Council and Rabbi Yisrael Ariel who is a member of the Sanhedrin and founder and one of the leaders of The Temple Institute. The organizers of this ceremony said this ceremony, which included applying some blood of the lamb to this altar, dedicated this altar as ritually fit to be used for sacrifices in the Jewish Third Temple when it is built soon on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem. The Sanhedrin and Temple Institute spokesman said they could and would bring this altar on top of the Temple Mount tomorrow and start building the Third Temple if the Israeli authorities such as the Prime Minister, Temple police and Israeli supreme court gave permission for them to do so.

The significance of this action or event is that we are that much closer and that this was one of the last steps before the building of the Third Jewish Temple on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem. This Third Temple will be authorized to be built after the rapture or catching up of all true Christians or the true Church to heaven with the Lord Jesus Christ takes place any time very soon. The authorization to build this Third Jewish Temple on the Temple Mount will be in an agreement or covenant between the Antichrist or Beast out of the Sea or Man of Sin or he who causes abomination and Israel. This agreement will be for one week of years or the 70th 7 year period mentioned in Daniel's prophecy of the 70 weeks. This covenant is mentioned specifically in Daniel 9:27. This covenant with the Antichrist and Israel to allow Israel to resume their Levitical worship on the Temple Mount including animal sacrifices and to allow them to start to build the 3rd Jewish Temple will start the 7 year tribulation or 70th week of years. This 3rd temple will on one hand have a bad effect especially on the Jews or Israelites to give them false confidence in the Antichrist to think he is the true Messiah of Israel until he breaks the covenant and clears the Jewish priests and Levites off the Temple Mount and from this rebuilt temple half way through the tribulation or 3 1/2 years after he agreed with the Jews to allow the rebuilding of the Jewish Temple on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem. The other more positive significance of the rebuilding of the Jewish temple and resumption of the Levitical worship in the first half of the tribulation is that it will prepare them for their service in the true Messianic Kingdom Temple that could be called the 4th temple as mentioned in Ezekiel 40-48, Isaiah 2, Micah 4, Zechariah 14, Psalm 24, Haggai 2, Matthew 23:37-39, Amos 9 etc. in which the Lord Jesus Christ will be worshipped as King of the Jews and King of kings in his throne in the holy of holies in the 4th Temple in the extensively reconstructed Temple Mount in Jerusalem in the Messianic or Millennial Kingdom. The Jewish priests and Levites will offer animal sacrifices in this temple but not to take away sins but to cover them and as a memorial to Messiah Jesus' one sacrifice on the cross 2000 years ago to take away all our sins through His blood shed and body broken on the cross then followed by His resurrection from the dead. The Lord Jesus Christ will remove the Antichrist and everyone else who hasn't trusted in the true God and His Son Jesus Christ as personal Lord and Saviour by the time of Jesus' second coming from the earth to hell in His judging the world and then set up God's visible Kingdom on this earth for a thousand years. The Messianic Kingdom Temple and its holy of holies will be the centre of God and His Son Jesus Christ's rule on earth in the Messianic Kingdom. Following the Messianic Kingdom will be the eternal age as especially mentioned in Revelation 21-22 in which there will be no more Jewish or other material temples but God the Father and His Son Jesus Christ the Lamb of God will be among His people of all time as the Temple of God.

The recent dedication of the Jewish altar of sacrifice and associated daily divine or Tamid service for the temple by the Jewish priests means all these great bible prophecy events are that much sooner and very, very soon. I would therefore urge the reader, if you haven't already done so, to trust in the Lord Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Saviour who died for all our sins on the cross and 3 hours of darkness then and to trust in the Lord Jesus Christ as the source of God's eternal life and restored relationship with Him that was lost when our first parents Adam and Eve took of the forbidden fruit in the Garden of Eden and gave us all selfish and sinful natures. If we trust in the Lord Jesus Christ we get the new born again or in Christ natures with His resurrection life and power. I would urge you to trust in the Lord Jesus Christ as soon as possible so you can be part of God's true Church and be taken to heaven soon at the rapture of the Church and not be left behind to face the worldwide tyrannical rule of the Antichrist and of God's judgments on earth and the people then and risk God's eternal judgment in the lake of fire for those people who die in their sins without trusting in His Son Jesus Christ as their personal Lord and Saviour. In view of the now accomplished kosher dedication of the Jewish altar of sacrifice acceptable for use in the soon to be built Jewish temple on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem I urge you, if you haven't done so already to trust in the Lord Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Saviour now and without delay.

December 2018 Statement from Temple Institute Rabbi Chaim Richman that the Blueprints for the Third Temple Have Been Completed and Prophetic Significance

Earlier in December the Temple Institute posted on their Facebook account a new video where one of their leaders, Rabbi Chaim Richman, was speaking to a group of Christian and Jewish supporters in Arkansas, United States. This video can still be found readily in The Temple Institute's YouTube account under the title Rabbi Chaim Richman: The Dedication of the Third Temple and was posted there on December 4, 2018. This was about the time of the Jewish holiday of Hannukah in 2018 with Hannukah celebrating the rededication of the Jewish Temple to God after it had been defiled by the Greeks under Antiochus Epiphanes around 165 BC. One thing I was particularly interested to learn from watching this video through is the affirmation by Rabbi Chaim Richman that The Temple Institute has by now completed the blueprints for The Third Temple. (The last I heard on this topic from them a couple years ago was that they had only raised about a third of then estimated $300,000 to completed these blueprints. So they must have by now raised the rest of the money and used it to complete the blueprints of The Third or Tribulation Temple.

The significance from a literal or dispensational perspective of Bible interpretation of the completion of the blueprints of the Third or Tribulation Temple is that this is one less thing to do and that we are that much closer in time to the building of the Third or Tribulation Temple. According to Daniel 9:27 the tribulation or 70th week of Daniel will begin when the Antichrist or Beast out of the Sea or Man of Sin or he that causes abomination publicly makes a covenant with Israel to allow Israel to build their next Jewish Temple on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem. This Temple would allow Israel to resume the priestly and Levitical duties of leading worshipping God in the Temple on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem including the animal offering to God or the LORD that from the Christian perspective would be focused on God the Father as a Person of the Triune God. In Christianitiy Jesus would there be pictured as the high priest and the animal offerings to allow access to God as in the New Testament Book of Hebrews and some other New Testament scriptures. According to a literal or dispensational biblical perspective a pre-tribulation rapture of the Church would immediately precede this covenant of the Antichrist with Israel to start the tribulation so God could focus on restoring His chosen earthly people Israel both physically and spiritually to prepare His rule on Earth through them in the Messianic or Millennial Kingdom after Jesus second coming to Earth at the end of the tribulation or 70th week of Daniel. The true Church would be complete with some true Christians from every tribe, nation and language by the time of the rapture or catching up to heaven of the true Church just before the tribulation begins with the covenant with the Antichrist and Israel to allow Israel or/including the Jews to rebuild their Temple or House of the LORD on the Temple Mount in Jersualem. Of course the Jews or Israelites will be able to continue to carry out the animal offerings and the rest of the Levitical divine service to the LORD for the 3 1/2 year first half of the tribulation or 70th week of Daniel until the temple is forcibly seized by the Antichrist at the midpoint of the tribulation as in Daniel 9:27 where the Antichrist causes the sacrifice and oblation (such as drink or wine offering poured on the animal offerings) to cease. The first half of the tribulation where the Israelites can use this Temple to worship the LORD God is mentioned in Revelation 11:1-2. The third of tribulation Temple being defiled when it is used by the Antichrist to force people on Earth there to worship him as God is mentioned in such scriptures as 2 Thessalonians 2:4, Matthew 24:15 and Revelation 13.

The true God including the Son of God and God the Son and Saviour of the world the Lord Jesus Christ or Yeshua HaMashiach will lead the building of the true Messianic Kingdom Temple in Jerusalem after His second coming to Earth from heaven with the true Church and Israelite or Gentile saints or heart believers in the true God from tribulation martyrs or Old Testament saints or believers. In the true Messianic Kingdom Temple as mentioned as the most holy (place) in Daniel 9 and mentioned at length in Ezekiel 40-48, Zechariah 14, Isaiah 2, Psalm 24, the house of the LORD or the Father's house that will be restored when Israel turns back spiritually to God including their Messiah Jesus of Nazareth in Matthew 23:37-39 and other scriptures. A main significance of the Jews or Israelites through the Temple Institute completing the blueprints for the third or tribulation temple then is that we are very near and nearer than before to the end of this present Church Age or Dispensation or Age or Dispensation of Grace or of the Holy Spirit and just on the verge of God starting to fulfill in a much greater and quicker way the last days prophecies of His word especially related to the realization of the tribulation or 70th week of Daniel and then Messianic or Millenial Kingdom of Messiah Jesus on Earth and Jesus' intervening second coming in glory at the end of the Tribulation. Much of these tribulation and Messianic Kingdom events will involve the restoration of Israel as God's chosen earthly people and also of restoring the nations to God from the devil the god of this world (system). The true Church is God's heavenly or spiritual chosen people and is not the true or new Israel.

Since all these last days events are indicated to be that much closer to being fulfilled through the completion by The Temple Insitute of the blueprints for the Third or Tribulation Temple I would urge the reader, if you haven't already done so, to in your heart admit you are a sinner and place your trust in the Lord Jesus Christ as your personal LOrd and Saviour who died for all our sins on the cross and rose again from the dead to give us God's new life through prayer to God in Jesus' name. If you have done this or yet do this before the rapture of the Church and following tribulation you can be assured of being taken to heaven with the rest of the true Church or true Christians to be with God and His Son Jesus Christ in our eternal homes there and not have to go through the tribulation or 70th week of Daniel on Earth. If you trust in Jesus or have already you also don't have to worry about going to hell or the lake of fire at all since trusting in Jesus as our Lord and Saviour enables Jesus to take away all our sins when He died on the cross almost 2000 years ago. You can also be assured that you can be rewarded for whatever affliction you have for Jesus' sake in this life and age by being able to be with God and His people and to reign with and under Jesus in His Messianic or Millenial or then eternal Kingdom. So I would definitely encourage you to trust in Jesus as your personal Lord and Saviour right away if you haven't already as a result of the last days prophetic events being indicated as significantly nearer with the completion of the blueprints of the third temple as just announced by Rabbi Chaim Richman of The Temple Institue earlier in December 2018.

October 2018 Participation of Israeli Interior Minister Gilad Erdan in Meeting Supporting Jewish Prayer and Other Rights on the Temple Mount

In October 2018 there was a news conference in Hebrew in Jerusalem with a panel organized by the Lobby to Strengthen Jewish Connection to the Temple Mount Jewish Temple Mount activist group. The group is led by Jewish Temple Mount activist Rabbi and Israeli Knesset member Yehuda Glick. A main speaker at the panel news conference was Israel Interior Minister Gilad Erdan. He is a member of the conservative Likud Party and of the governing coalition and is part of the same political party as Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. Mr Erdan has on a number of previous occasions voiced his support for more Jewish prayer and other Jewish rights on the Temple Mount. As Interior Minister he has second most authority over the Temple Mount to Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Minister Erdan has direct authority over the police including in Jerusalem and the Temple Mount.

The news conference carried on Israel National News and perhaps other Israeli and maybe some other world media although none of the national ones on radio I listen to in Canada. At the news conference Minister Erdan clearly said that he was grateful for the constant work of the Lobby to Strengthen Jewish Connection to the Temple Mount and said without their constant support for Jewish rights on the Temple Mount modern Israel could have lost any authority on the Temple Mount (to the Muslims led by the Jerusalem Mufti or Islamic Waqf leader who has his office on the Temple Mount I think in the Al Aqsa mosque there.) Mr. Erdan mentioned at the press conference that the Temple Mount is the holiest place on earth to the Jews and only the third holist place on earth to Muslims (after Mecca and Medina both in Saudi Arabia). Mr. Erdan mentioned specfically that the Temple Mount or Mount Moriah is the place where God tested their father Abraham to see if he was willing to offer his son Isaac to God in a sacrifice to Him. Abraham did show his willingness to do this as recorded in Genesis 22 but God provided a ram in a thicket bush near that site on Mount Moriah and had a holy angel stop Abraham's hand with the knife at the last moment. (By Christians this is sometimes used as an analogy of God the Father providing His Son Jesus Christ to die on the cross for our sins as the Lamb of God.) Mount Moriah is mentioned as the site of Solomon's Temple in 2 Chronicles 3.

Mr. Erdan said about Jewish rights on the Temple Mount in the article on the Temple Institute Facebook account: "Our enemies understand what sometimes is unclear in political discourse (including the Middle East peace process). The debate between us and our enemies has never been a territorial dispute, but between the Jewish People and radical Islam that doesn't accept our existence here. Therefore, because we're a Jewish state, this means first of all, Jews should have access to the holiest place for the Jewish People." Minister Erdan in the Temple Institute article then went on to say that even about fifty years after the 1967 Six Day Israeli Arab War the Muslims are still the only ones allowed to fully pray on the Temple Mount. He also did agree that it was important for Muslims to continue to be allowed to pray on the Temple Mount, as part of a democratic Israel, but rightly insisted that it was unacceptable that recently some Jews who made pilgrimage to the Temple Mount were attacked by radical Muslims on the Temple Mount and that was part of the reason he changed his policy. Mr. Erdan affirmed he supports Jewish prayer on the Temple Mount but qualified it by saying the ultimate authority for making that decision on a regular basis rests with Israeli Prime Minister currently Benjamin Netanyahu. Mr. Erdan noted that if Mr. Netanyahu or some other person who might soon be Prime Minister of Israel will not allow regular Jewish prayer on the Temple Mount there might be some other way to accomplish that authority such as the Israeli Supreme Court to whom a petition is being prepared by Jewish Temple activists for that goal. (The Israeli Supreme Court has ruled a number of times and still supports the position that Israel as a Jewish democratic society or nation should support the right of all the relevant religions and their followers Jews, Christians and Muslims to pray regularly on the Temple Mount.)

What makes this significant is that this is the first time to my knowledge that such a high and relevant authority Israeli political authority has spoken publicly and very definitly in favour of regular Jewish prayer on the Temple Mount. As I mentioned earlier the meeting was organized by the Jewish Temple Mount activist group Lobby to Strengthen Jewish Connection to the Temple Mount led by Temple Mount activist Rabbi and Likud Knesset member Yehuda Glick. He was part of the panel with Minister Erdan and a woman who I think is the leader of a group of Jewish women Temple Mount activists called Women in Green. From a biblical Christian viewpoint what this signifies, especially if it soon leads to Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu or some other new Israeli Prime Minister approving regular Jewish prayer on the Temple Mount, is that it could be very much closer to the day that the Jewish people rebuild their temple on the Temple Mount to worship God with the Levitical priesthood and the animal sacrifices as in the Books of Moses or the Jewish Torah. I believe this will happen very soon, although I can't say exactly when, because of many other Bible prophecy areas and current events moving in this direction. According to Bible prophecy this permission for the Jews to build their next Jewish Temple on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem will be by the Antichrist or he who causes abomination in Daniel 9:27 after he takes the Third Temple over from the Jews half way through the tribulation or 70th week of Daniel. The Antichrist will then use that Temple including the holy of holies where he will likely sit to force people on earth to worship him as God or be killed as in 2 Thessalonians 2, Matthew 24:15 and Revelation 11 and 13. Before that Middle East peace agreement by the Satanic Antichrist or Beast out of the Sea or Man of Sin is confirmed and he is revealed publicly on earth will be the rapture or catching away of all the true Christian Church of people Jew and Gentile of all nations who have trusted in the Lord Jesus Christ as our personal Lord and Saviour who died on the cross for our sins and rose again to restore us to a relationship with our Creator God. The Lord Jesus Christ will come all the way to the surface of the Earth just about or a little more than seven years after the rapture to set up His and God the Father's Kingdom on Earth and judge the world including the then world leaders the Antichrist or Beast out of the Sea and False Prophet or Beast out of the Land as in Revelation 19. The true Church will come from heaven with Jesus to earth at His second coming to share in His reign on Earth then as will tribulation martyrs Jew and Gentile and Old Testament believers. God's Kingdom on Earth for a thousand years before eternity will be based in Jerusalem and restored Israel in the Messianic or Millennial Kingdom Temple mentioned in the Bible in Ezekiel 40-48, Zechariah 14, Isaiah 2, Psalm 24, Matthew 23:37-39 and elsewhere. The Millennial Kingdom will also be a time of blessing on this Earth for believers in God of the nations as well. Since current events continue to approach these critical prophetic events I would urge the reader if you haven't already done so to trust in the Lord Jesus Christ in your heart as your personal Lord and Saviour so when these prophetic events are realized soon they can be a blessing and not a curse for you personally.

April 2018 Visit of Grand Mufti of Jerusalem Sheikh Muhammed Hussein to anti-Israel Hezbollah Conference in Lebanon, Efforts of Pro-Israel Jewish Group to Have Him Tried for Anti-Israel Activities at Israeli Supreme Court and Possible Implications for Jewish Access to Temple Mount

On Wednesday, April 11, 2018 the Temple Institute in their Facebook account reported from a Hebrew Israeli source that the Grand Mufti (Islamic leader) of Jerusalem Sheikh Muhammed Hussein had visited a Hezbollah organized conference in Lebanon. Lebanon by now has become under strong control of the Jihadist and anti-Israel terrorist group Hezbollah through their strong representation in the Lebanese national parliament in the Lebanese capital Beirut. According to the Temple Institue Facebook article this Hezbollah organized Islamic terrorist conference was called the Global Campaign to Return to Palestine. According to this article by the Temple Institute Grand Mufti Hussein committed two offences for which he can be tried in Israel. One is for visiting a hostile or enemy state (which Lebanon is considered by Israel since Hezbollah secured considerable control over its national government and the other is to identify or meet and agree with a terrorist organization (that he went to the Hezbollah organized conference and acted in full agreement of their anti-Israel perspective). The Grand Mufti of Jerusalem as been the case for some time (I think at least since 1967 has his office on top of the Temple Mount in Jerusalem perhaps in the Muslim Al-Aqsa Mosque there. Among other things he is responsible for directly leading the Muslim Waqf (foundation) that is the Muslim group that overseas the day to day operations on the Temple Mount in co-operation with the Israeli Temple Mount police. He, as well as his preceding Grand Muftis of Jerusalem, has a history of anti-Israel activities and speaking. This anti-Israel speaking includes incitement or encouraging of Muslims to violence against Israel and Jews last year in the crisis involving Israel putting metal detectors at the gates used by Muslims to to the Temple Mount. The Israeli police believed putting these metal detectors at the gates of the Temple Mount was necessary because there had just been a crime previous to that in which some Muslim terrorists had gunned down a couple Israeli Temple policemen on the Temple Mount. At that time or just previous to it Muslim terrorists were also bringing powerful fireworks and knives to the Temple Mount to threaten Israeli Temple police and Jewish or other non-Muslim pilgrims to the Temple Mount. At this recent Hezbollah conference in Lebanon the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem Muhammed Hussein received an award by Hezbollah officials that convened the conference for his outstanding contribution to participating and contributing to anti-Israel sentiment or action through his frequent speeches involving much anti-Israel hate, provocation and fact-twisting that encourages more widespread action against Israel by Palestinian or other Arabs or Muslims including on the Temple Mount. It sounds like the Grand Mufti also spoke at least once himself at this recent Hezbollah organized conference consistent with the general anti-Israel focus of the conference. He was also praised at this conference for his anti-Israel work by such leading Islamic terrorists such as Hamas (leader or former leader) Khaled Mashaal and by Naim Qassem the current deputy secretary-general (probably deputy leader) of Hezbollah.

As a result of the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem Muhammed Hussein definitely committing the two serious anti-Israel offences of travelling to an enemy state and "identification with a terrorist organization" the pro-Israel Jewish legal group Legal Forum of Israel has brought charges against the Grand Mufti to the Israel national Attorney General Avihail Mandelblit. These charges were brought to the Attorney General by Legal Forum of Israel lawyer Yotam Eyal according to the article by The Temple Institute. As of this writing, it is April 21 about ten days later and I have not heard of any further developments in this regard but if they haven't already Attorney General Mandelblit and the Israeli Supreme Court will have to take some action regarding these charges against the Grand Mufti soon as they are serious charges and I think pro-Israel including pro-Jewish Temple Mount groups are probably not going to let up having this case decided on quickly and in their (and my own view) hopefully definitely against the Grand Mufti. Especially if the Attorney General, perhaps with the rest of the Supreme Court of Israel, decides to charge the Grand Mufti for anti-Israel treason through travelling to an enemy state and identifying with a terrorist group which there is clear evidence of this could put limitation for him and Muslim control on the Temple Mount. Among other evidence that this Legal Forum has to incriminate the Grand Mufti is a picture of him receiving the award for actions against Israel by a Hezbollah official that is contained in the Temple Institute Facebook article and probably in the earlier Hebrew language Israeli source they obtained the report from.

If Attorney General Mandleblit does rule against the Grand Mufti to convict him of anti-Israel activity (treason) on these points he and his office could have their authority and that of the Muslim Waqf they control more limited on the Temple Mount. This could allow freer Jewish and pro-Israel and other non-Muslim activity or access to the Temple Mount such as more freedom for Jews or Israelites to pray on the Temple Mount, to read from the Bible the true word of God, to worship God there in song etc. to display an Israeli flag there, to have more time for which they are allowed access to the Temple Mount or to have more gates to the Temple Mount through which they can enter the Temple Mount. Currently all these actions by Jews or Israelites and other non-Muslims on the Temple Mount are limited in significant part by pressure against these actions by the Muslim Grand Mufti Hussein and the Islamic Waqf which operates security on the Temple Mount and which he controls. If Israeli Attorney General Mandelblit rules very strongly against Grand Mufti Hussein and the Waqf for his anti-Israel actions in Lebanon, as the Legal Forum of Israel would wish, this could even make way for Israel to soon build their Third Jewish Temple on the Temple Mount. Muslims such as Grand Mufti Hussein want to prevent the rebuilding of the Jewish Temple on the Temple Mount at all costs with their insistance that the Temple Mount is only for Muslims but God's word the Holy Bible says that a Jewish Temple will most definetely be built again on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem. The Jewish Temple in Jerusalem will be built there on the Temple Mount first in the tribulation with an agreement with the anti-Christ or false Messiah with Israel to start the tribulation as in Daniel 9:27 and mentioned at least also in Revelation 11:1-2. This Temple will be used in the first half of the tribulation for restored divine service by a restored Jewish Levitical priesthood as in the Old Testament and most of the New Testament but which was destroyed by the armies of the Roman Empire until general Titus in 70 AD in the war Rome had with the Jews then. In the second half of the tribulation the Antichrist will kick the Jews off the Temple Mount and use it a centre for forces worship by Jews and the nations of himself falsely as God and connected with the dragon (Satan the devil). Some references to this in God's Word the Holy Bible are Matthew 24:15, the latter part of Daniel 9:27, Revelation 13 and 2 Thessalonians 2.

At the end of the tribulation Israel's Messiah and the Saviour of the world and the Son of God the Lord Jesus Christ will come to earth at His Second Coming to establish God's Kingdom visibly on Earth first for 1000 years and to judge the world including its rulers then led by the Antichrist and his associate the False Prophet. The centre for worship of the Lord Jesus Christ the true Messiah of Israel and God the Son as well as of God the Father (who is primarily referred to as LORD or Jehovah or Yahweh in the Old Testament as the God of Israel although Jesus God the Son and God the Holy Spirit also had divine roles over Israel then) will be the Millennial Temple. It is mentioned in such scriptures as Ezekiel 40-48, Zechariah 6, 14, Isaiah 2, Psalm 24, Haggai 2, Amos 9, Malachi 3, Daniel 9:24-25, Isaiah 56, Matthew 23:37-39, Psalm 118 etc.

Since this incident of the Grand Mufti participating in this anti-Israel conference in another nation shows the growing organization of anti-Israel actions in some nations, the overstepping of authority of Muslims controlling the Temple Mount and the backlash by pro-Israel people in the case brought against them the Legal Forum for Israel and the possible soon ruling against the Grand Mufti and the Islamist Waqf he controls and the possible greater freedom for Jews or Israelites for worship of the true God on the Temple Mount soon that indicates the first false peace by the Antichrist of Daniel 9:27 and the preceding rapture of the Church (for instance as mentioned in 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18, Revelation 3:10, 22:12-21, John 14:1-3 and I Corinthians 15:51-58) is near I would encourage the reader of this article to as soon as possible trust in the Lord Jesus Christ if you already done so. If you have trusted in the Lord Jesus Christ or do this as soon as possible before the rapture of the Church and public revelation of the Antichrist that is if you come to trust in the Lord Jesus Christ that He was God come in the flesh, lived a sinless life, died on the cross for our sins and to show God's love for each of us and His grace even though we have sinned against Him and aren't worthy of His love and forgiveness, was buried and rose again from the dead to provide us with God's eternal life and returned to heaven to receive Jesus as your personal Lord and Saviour you can be assured that you will not have to go through any of the tribulation or 70th week of Daniel or time of God's wrath for people left on earth then. This blessing of being assured you will miss being on earth during the reign of the antichrist (beast) if you trust in Jesus before the antichrist is revealed on earth would be in addition to the fact you would immediately enter into an eternal relationship with God, have an assured eternal home in heaven, have forgiveness of all your sins, have God's indwelling Holy Spirit and be received as a new brother or sister in God's family of this age the Church forever when we trust in the Lord Jesus Christ as our personal Lord and Saviour. As bible believing or born again Christians we can also look forward to rewards for faithful Christian service in this life after we trust in Jesus as Lord and Saviour including a part in reigning with Him on earth in the Millennial or Messianic Kingdom. So I would encourage you including in the light of these latest developments regarding the Temple Mount in Jerusalem to trust in the Lord Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Saviour as these events and Bible prophesies are real and will effect everyone now on earth one way or another and are on the verge of being fulfilled in a lot greater way.

April 2018 Passover Re-enactment for First Time Beside Temple Mount Led by Authentic Jewish Priests as Indication of Soon Building of Third Temple and Temple Services There

For a couple years now The Jewish Temple restoration promotion group The Temple Institute through its department Nezer HaKodesh Institute for Kohanic Studies has organized Passover and other Jewish feast re-enactment ceremonies. These ceremonies are conducted by authentic Jewish priests dressed in white linen garments as commanded by God in Exodus 28 and 39. They also have with them and sometimes sound the priests' silver trumpets. In these ceremonies one or more Passover lambs are brought and slaughtered and roasted on a halacha or faithful to the Law of Moses altar all as described in the Torah or Law of Moses and other Jewish texts. Then the priests and perhaps others enjoy the Passover meal including the altar roasted passover lamb.

What was different this year about this Passover re-enactment ceremony is that instead of it being in Israel outside Jerusalem it was not only in Jerusalem but in the Old City of Jerusalem adjacent to the Temple Mount. Of course on the Temple Mount in the 1st or 2nd Jewish Temples and before in the Tabernacle was where the Passover and other Jewish animal sacrifices took place in Bible days (both New and Old Testament). There were about 1500 people in attendance including several rabbis and media reporters according to the article by the Temple Institue on their Facebook web page. In that article a spokesperson for the Temple Institue said this location at the south end of the Temple Mount by what was called in the time of the 2nd or Herod's Temple the Hulda Gates was significant because it was through that gate at that time that many Jewish or Israelite pilgrims brought their passover lambs to be sacrificed up to the Temple and altar on top of the Temple Mount. There was however official statements of disapproval against Israeli authorities by both the Arab and mostly Muslim Palestinian Authority and King Abdullah the King of Jordan for allowing this ceremony to occur right next to the Temple Mount. They, not correctly, think the Temple Mount or even the whole city of Jerusalem should only be Muslim and were alarmed there could be a Jewish Passover re-enactment ceremony so close to the Temple Mount. They felt rightly that this could endanger in the near future their maintaining much control on Jewish worship on the Temple Mount.

The Bible prophecy significance of this development from a biblical Christian viewpoint is that this event makes it more likely that a Jewish Temple with the associated Levitical priesthood services will be restored in the very near future. This is what Temple groups like the Temple Institute and other Temple groups that now mostly work together are intending to achieve. However from a biblical Christian view there will first be a Jewish temple and temple services restored by the false peace or covenant with Israel by the Antichrist or false Messiah the beast out of the sea, man of sin or he who causes abomination. The main prophecy about this occurs in Daniel 9:27 as part of the description about the 70 weeks of years of Daniel. This prophecy covers the time from when God enabled Nehemiah as mentioned in Nehemiah 2 to secure permission from the then Persian king Artaxerxes to allow rebuilding of the walls of Jerusalem to the time of the coming again of Israel's true Messiah and the Saviour of the world the Lord Jesus Christ to set up God's kingom on Earth. This covenant or agreement of the Antichrist with Israel as mentioned in Daniel 9:27 that will allow Israel to rebuild their Jewish Temple on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem and restored the Levitical priesthood services there will also mark the revelation of the antichrist and the start of the 7 year tribulation period or time of Jacob's trouble (Jeremiah 30). Since in the tribulation period God's focus will be on restoring His chosen earthly people Israel to Himself and since the true Church of all born again trusting in Jesus Christ and His shed blood for our sins and resurrection from dead for eternal life Christians is the object of God's grace the true Church will be removed from Earth before this false peace. This removal will be by the rapture or catching up to Heaven to be with our Lord Jesus Christ when all true Christians will be changed into our eternal spiritual bodies from these present natural bodies or the natural bodies that departed saints had when they lived on Earth. The rapture is mentioned for instance in 1 Thessalonians 4, 1 Corinthians 15, John 14 and 2 Thessalonians 2:1 as our gathering together unto Him (the Lord Jesus Christ) in the air. Since there is increasingly clear indication these major Bible events or times are very soon I would urge the reader, if you haven't done so, to trust in the Lord Jesus Christ alone as the way of salvation and eternal life from the only true God the God of the Bible. This involves admitting we are sinners according to God's definition of sinners in His word the Holy Bible and in prayer to God in Jesus' name asking that God would put the benefit of Jesus' shed blood on the cross for our sins and resurrection from the dead for our eternal life to our account in His sight and make the Lord Jesus Christ our personal Lord and Saviour. When we do this we can not only have eternal life and a restored relationship with God from that moment on and be assured we will not be endangered any more of going to hell or the lake of fire for our sins but that we can also be taken to heaven with Jesus and the rest of His true Church and be spared going through the tribulation which will the world time in human history right after the rapture.

September 2016 Israeli Priestly Line Baruck Kahane Chosen Head of the (Jewish) Priests

I think in early September 2016, the nascent (preliminary) Sanhedrin chose Baruck Kahane as head of priests (Rosh Kohanin) as a temporary and preparatory position until the more long-term high priest is chosen when the government of Israel or, from a biblical Christian viewpoint, the Antichrist or false Messiah gives the go-ahead for Israel to build the third temple. Mr. Kahane made it clear he did not want to be the high priest or even called the provisional high priest so he is being called the head priest but this is still the temporary position being set up until the more permanent high priest is selected when the go-ahead is given to Israel to build their third temple on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem. Mr. Kahane has been a consistent and prominent participant in the temple service preparatory re-enactments and is familiar with how much of the temple or divine service was and should again be carried out. Rabbi Israel Ariel the founder of the Temple Institute said on this event that choosing a high priest and preparing for the temple service are not options for Jewish people but mitzvot or commandments in the Torah or Law of Moses or Pentateuch and that they should be whatever they can now to prepare for the third temple so they will be ready to start the divine temple service as quickly as possible when the opportunity to build the temple comes their way. Rabbi Kahane, when asked how long it would take to begin the Levitical sacrifices on the Temple Mount when it is allowed, said: "If the (Israeli) government decided to permit it, it would only take a few weeks to make preparations, even to do the Yom Kippur (Day of Atonement) service." From a biblical Christian viewpoint this means that conditions are that much more ready for the Levitical temple service to resume right after permission is granted to Israel to start them at the beginning of the tribulation or time of God's wrath and 70th week of Daniel mentioned in Daniel 9:27 and that it is also very near to the rapture or catching up to heaven of the true Church right before that. Therefore I would encourage the reader, is you haven't done so already, to admit you are a sinner in God's sight and according to His word the Holy Bible, and trust in or seek to yield to God through His Son Jesus Christ and your personal Lord and Saviour who died on the cross for our sins and rose again to give us new life. Part of receiving the Lord Jesus Christ as one's personal Lord and Saviour is to call on God in Jesus' name in prayer and tell him that you admit you are a sinner in His sight and that you want to be a restored child of His and receive forgiveness for all your sins through the death of God's only begotten Son Jesus Christ's on the cross and His resurrection from the dead to give us God's eternal new life.


August 2016 Israeli Authorities Give Quick Response to Temple Mount Islamic Waqf Group Attempts to Destroy Remnants of Location of Previous Jewish Temples

A couple times in the second week of August 2016 the Islamic Temple Mount Waqf Foundation attempted to carry out illegal work under the Dome of the Rock. This work was perhaps involving the floor of this site that many Orthodox Jews including major Temple restoration groups including the Temple Institute and Temple Mount Faithful regard as the site of the previous Solomon's or First Temple and Zerubbabel/Herod's or Second Temple and also where the third Jewish Temple should be built. This illegal work of the Waqf came to the attention of Israeli authorities and the Israeli Jerusalem or Temple police arrested four Waqf members and the worker employed by the Waqf to do this work. Some other Waqf members were taken from the Temple Mount and given restraining orders according to the report on the Facebook page of the Temple Institute. I am personally as a Bible believing Christian glad to see the Israeli authorities show more interest and concern to illegal and perhaps destructive work done by the Islamic Temple Mount Waqf on the Temple Mount, even though it might have taken work on the exact site of the former Jewish temples or even holy of holies to do this, since around 2000 the Israeli Antiquities Authority and the Israeli Temple police did little to stop the illegal work of the Waqf widening the entrance to the Solomon's Stables complex to make it a new Muslim mosque and destroying much Jewish Temple architecture in the process and around 2005 when the Waqf used bulldozers and other heavy equipment to remove some of the Temple Mount plaza stone tiles because they could have originated from the Jewish Herod's Temple. In this latter case the Israel Temple police and Israeli Antiquities Authority also did nothing to hinder the Muslim destructive work even though it was also quite blatant. Even though this latest incident was provoked by a further attempt by the Muslim Temple Mount Waqf to do illegal work including perhaps removing some Jewish Temple heritage from the site of the actual Temple building, it is good to see more concern and a more firm Israeli police response to stop the illegal Muslim work perhaps defacing the Temple Mount. That this contest for the heritage of the Temple Mount has now reached the possible site of the Jewish Temple building itself is likely an indication from God that the next phase in His prophetic program that will involve the Antichrist, or he that causes abomination, making a treaty or covenant with Israel and others to allow the Israelites or Jews to build their third temple on the temple Mount in Jerusalem. This will start the seven year tribulation or 70th week of Daniel and will be just after the quickly approaching rapture of the Church. I therefore encourage the reader, if you haven't done so already, to admit you are a sinner in God's sight and realize a restored relationship with Him through receiving His Son Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Saviour who died on the cross for our sins and rose again from the dead to give us new life. Pray to God the Father in Jesus' name to say these things from your heart so you can not only have a relationship with God but also be taken to heaven at the rapture of the Church and not be left behind on earth for earth's darkest time of the tribulation and time of God's wrath.

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Web Site About Restoration of the Levitical Tribe in the Last Days
Tenth and Last Red Heifer from Jewish Perspective
Dome of the Rock 2004 Earthquake in Israel
Feast of Trumpets and the Jews' Call to the Land
Part 2 Tribulation Temple
The 144,000 Messianic Jewish Witnesses
Third Temple Part 2
Article Follow General Discussion Doug for Temple Garments of the High Priest
The False Prophet or Beast out of the Land
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