Part 4 The Tribulation or Third Temple

The Covenant Between Israel and the Anti-Christ of Daniel 9:27

Daniel 9:27 is one of the most critical verses referring to the covenant the Anti-Christ will make with the Jews to build a Jewish Temple in the Great Tribulation or the 70th week of Daniel. In this verse it first says he (the Anti-Christ or the Beast) probably with the help of the False Prophet or the Beast out of the Land will make a covenant with many meaning the Jewish people and nation of Israel for one week of 7 years. The verse then says that in the midst of the week the Anti-Christ will make the covenant and oblation to cease implying that they will be going for some time by then probably since the Anti-Christ made the covenant with the Jews three and a half years earlier at the beginning of the 7 year Tribulation or 70th week of Daniel.

The Anti-Christ will then cause an overspreading of abomination which in the New Testament is revealed to be the Anti-Christ ceasing the Jewish animal sacrifices and Temple worship and installing himself in the temple probably in the holy place and presenting himself as God and constraining all people Jews and people of the nations (Gentiles) to worship him. This scripture in Daniel 9 is a as follows:

And he shall confirm the covenant with many for one week: and in the midst of the week he shall cause the sacrifice and the oblation to cease, and for the overspreading of abominations he shall make it desolate, even until the consummation, and that determined shall be poured upon the desolate. Daniel 9:27

August 2023 Partial Re-establishment of the Levitical Choir by The Temple Institute and Announced Upcoming First Public Performance in Preparation for Worship in the Rebuilt Jewish Temple in Jerusalem

Earlier in 2023 the Temple Institute in Israel, that seeks to rebuild the Jewish Temple in Jerusalem and re-establish the Levitical worship there, announced that they had formed the beginning of a Levitical choir to have the musical worship in the soon to be rebuilt Jewish Temple. (As an evangelical and dispensationalist Christian I overall see the restoration by the Jews of their temple worship as a good thing. I know there will be some very bad use of this temple (but not with genuine Jewish worship in the 2nd half of the 70th week of Daniel after the rapture of the true Church.) What the Temple Institute and this beginning of the Levitical choir are preparing for will lead to an agreement between them and the rest of Israel and some of the nations with the Antichrist or false Messiah to start the tribulation to allow these Jewish Temple restoration seeking Jews or Israelites to rebuild their Jewish Temple on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem and restore the Temple service as in the first part of Daniel 9:27 and Revelation 11:1-2 including the musical worship of the LORD by the Levitical choir.

However, at the mid-point of the tribulation they (the Jews or Israelites including the Levitical choir) will be kicked out of that temple by the Antichrist (or he who causes abomination, or the Beast or the Man of Sin as in Daniel 9:27, Matthew 24:15, 2 Thessalonians 2 or Revelation 13). When the Antichrist or Man of Sin or Beast out of the Sea kicks these Jews including the restored Levitical choir off the Temple Munt the Antichrist and Satan the devil through the Antichirst will take over the tribulation temple. The Antichrist will likely sit in the holy of holies of that temple and compel all people then on earth to worship him as God or be killed or go into hiding or be put on the run. This is the coming bad use of the desire by the Jews for a rebuilt temple but this will be put to an end by the coming of the true Messiah from heaven in the person of the Son of God Jesus of Nazareth the son of David.

Jesus will then by the visible King over all the Earth reigning from the then rebuilt Jewish temple around the Temple Mount in Jerusalem in a much grander temple probably in the holy of holies as in Ezekiel 40-48, Zechariah 6:11-15, Isaiah 6:11-15, Isaiah 2:1-4, Matthew 23:37-39, Psalem 118:19-26-27-29. This Messianic or Millennial Kingdom and Temple worship is why I and some other evangelical Christians and Messianic Jews still support the rebuilding of the Jewish Temple despite understanding that it will be defiled by the Antichrist forcing people to worship him there before the true Messiah of Israel and Saviour of the world Jesus of Nazareth comes from heaven with His true Church, defeats the Antichrist and Satan and the rest of the world system and Jesus (Y'Shua) becomes visible Saviour of the world and God incarnate in then also political victory over the world and reigns from the holy of holies of the Millennial or Messianic Kingdom in Jerusalem. (It's true that some references in the New Testameent says there will be no more animal sacrifices to cover our sins after Jesus died on the cross to take away our sins but some of these prophecies about a Messianic Kingdom Temple and animal sacrifices then and there have not been fulfilled but would be consistent with memorials or object lessons for God's physical and earthly people the Jews or Israelites as well as the nations' peoples then to remind people of Jesus' or Y'Shua's once dying Himself on the cross almost two thousand years ago to take away our sins). So, all that being said I see it as a good thing and progress in God fulfilling Bible prophecy and bringing the time of the pre-tribulation rapture, the tribulation or 70th week of Daniel (chapter 9), but also the Second Coming and Millennial and then eternal Kingdom of Jesus and God the Father and the Holy Spirit closer to fulfillment with progress of the Jews to prepare for their restored Levitical worship of God with the beginnings of a restored Levitical choir to perform in the 3rd Jewish temple. The Levitical choir or the chamber where their linen garments and probably musical instruments will be stored for the Messianic or Millennial Kingdom Temple worship of Adonai Y'Shua HaMashiach or the Lord Jesus Christ the true Messiah are mentioned specifically in Ezekiel 40:44.

All the above being said then, I see it as quite significant that a major Jewish Temple restoration group like The Temple Institute announced earlier this year that they scouted out Israel for Levitical background men who would be willing to form the beginning of a restored Levitical choir. They succeeded in recruiting about 20 of them. They and their choir leader or chief musician can be seen practicing some of the Psalms in Hebrew, especially Psalms 114 to 118 the Grand Hallel. These Grand Hallel Psalms were performed at the Jewish festivals of Passover, Shavuot (Pentecost) and Succoth (Feast of Tabernacles) in Bible times. The Temple Institute announced on their Facebook page, where they also show practice sessions of the begun Levitical choir, that they are fitting members of this now begun to be restored Levitical choir for custom made white linen robes. They may also be training some of them or planning to train some of them to play musical instruments of the biblical Levitical choir such as harps, lyres and brass cymbals but I haven't heard any mention of that yet. Most recently The Temple Institute on their Facebook web page announced that they plan to have this started to be restored Levitical choir give its first public performance at Feast of Tabernacles in Jerusalem this year. This public performance of the Levitical choir will likely be in connection with The Temple Institute's drills for service of the animal sacrifices and blowing of the silver trumpets by some of the restored Jewish Levitical priests as they have been doing now for several years. The Levitical choir and more of the music worship of the LORD (the divine trinity but especially God the Father but also God the Son the Annointed one of the LORD - Jesus of Nazareth and the Holy Spirit is growing closer as well as the pre-tribulation rapture of all the true Church, true Christians or the Church Age phase of the Kingdom of God.

With all these things in mind, I urge the reader, if you haven't already done so, to as soon as possible but sincerely with all your heart admit to the true God - the God of the Bible that you are a sinner or not completely good (as I and all other already true Christians have done and regularly do in prayer to God) and receive the Lord Jesus Christ or Adonai Y'Shua HaMashiach in Hebrew as your personal Lord and Saviour and Messiah who died on the cross for our sins to take them away not just cover them and rose from the dead the third day bodily and after 40 days ascended to heaven, then sent His and God the Father's Holy Spirit so you can have a restored relationship with the Creator God that we as humans lost when our first parents disobeyed God and took of the forbidden fruit in the Garden of Eden. I also encourage you to believe that this same Jesus (Y'Shua) will be coming back very soon first in the air or near outer space to rapture or catch up His then completed Church from all nations to our eternal homes in the Father's house (John 14:1-3) and then to come with His Church as in Revelation 19:11-16 or Zechariah 14 or Acts 1:6-9 from heaven to earth to defeat the world system and set up the visible Kingdom of God over all the Earth based in Jerusalem through restored to God and more fully restored to their land Israel as well as the saved of the I believe 70 Noah nations from Genesis 10.

April 2023 Jewish Temple Mount Activists Efforts to Restore the Jewish Temple on the Temple Mount and Muslim Zeal to Counter These Efforts During Co-inciding Holidays of Passover and Ramadan in 2023 and Bible Prophecy Significance

As expected there was heightened religious zeal by both Jews and Muslims in this part of April when the Jewish holiday of Passover and the Muslim holy month of Ramadan coincided this year. Passover if the Jewish holiday where Jewish people remember God freeing their ancestors from slavery in Egypt under the harsh Egyptian Pharaoh at that time. God then enabled the Jews under their leader Moses to lead the Israelites (Jews) from Egypt through the Sinai wilderness to the promised land of Canaan to become the promised land of Israel as covenanted to Israelite or Jewish founder Abraham because of the ungodly culture of the Canaanites to their false gods such as Baal and Ashtoreth. Ramadan is the Muslim holy month of Muslims where they fast from sunrise to sundown and recommit themselves to their god Allah. All that being said, and in view of other events and trends in Israel and the rest of the world that I and many other bible believing Christians believe indicate the time is very short before the terrible time on Earth called the tribulation or 70th week of Daniel prophesied in the Bible and the immediately preceding rapture or catching up to heaven in our resurrected bodies with Jesus of all true Christians is very near. Anyway, there were some notable events this year by both Jews or Israelites and Palestinian or other Arabs especially in Jerusalem. One the part of the Jewish Israelites the Temple Institute did carry out on Sunday, April 2nd a re-enactment and drill to prepare for the soon to be rebuilt Jewish Temple on the Temple Mount in a southern part of the Old City of Jerusalem. This ritual led by the Temple Insitute and qualified Jewish priests in the line of the Biblical Jewish patriarch Aaron and dressed in white linen robes carried out most of the rituals formerly carried out by Levitical priests in the Jewish Temple or tabernacle such as washing their hands in a laver, lighting a lampstand with olive oil, blowing silver trumpets and roasting a Passover lamb in an altar. These are all described in more detail in Exodus or other parts of the Five Books of Moses or what the Jews or Israelites call the Torah. This worship to God or the LORD that the Jews now call HaShem or the name is also intended to keep the Jewish Priests' skills fresh for use in the soon to be rebuilt Jewish Temple on the Temple Mount, probably around the site of the Muslim Dome of the Rock in Jerusalem in what the international community calls part of East Jerusalem. This ritual led by the perhaps main Jewish Temple restoration group The Temple Insitute was also attended by the Minister of Agriculture Uriel Ariel in the current Israeli government and by the deputy mayor of Jerusalem. There was also an effort again this year, perhaps more pronounced, of another Jewish Temple restoration group called Returning to the Mount to bring up a lamb or goat to be offered to God on the Temple Mount to more fully prepare for a restored Jewish Temple and Levitical sacrificial system on the Temple Mount but this was discovered in advance by Israeli security and thwarted before hand and the leader of the attempted operation arrested by Jerusalem police. There is also likely to be sometimes during this Passover holiday for the Jews a presentation by the recently reformed Levitical choir that was in Temple or Biblical times responsible for the musical worship of God in the Jewish Temple on the Temple Mount. This version of the Levitical choir is sponsored by The Temple Insitute and they are planning to sing Psalm 113 to 118 mostly in Hebrew that together are called The Grand Hallel and are still traditionally sung by Jewish people at Passover and was sung by the Levitical choir in the time of the 2nd or Herod's Temple and probably by them in the 1st or Solomon's Temple in the Temple locations on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem. They also no doubt look forward to soon carrying out worship to the true Creator God, God of Israel and Saviour of the world later by God's Son Jesus Christ in the soon to be rebuilt Jewish Temple on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem.

(However, most Jewish people still do not acknowledge Jesus Christ as their true Messiah and the Son of God although a still small but growing segment of the Jews do acknowledge Jesus in this way.) (Also according to Daniel 9:24-27 and Matthew 24:15, 2 Thessalonians 2, Revelation 11:1-2 etc. the false Messiah the Anti-Christ will enable the Jews to rebuilt their Temple on the Temple Mount and present himself as Israel's Messiah and probably accomplish a short Middle East peace agreement but will halt the Jewish Levitical worship of God on the Temple Mount after 3 1/2 years (half of one week of 7 years in Daniel 9:27) and then force all people on Earth both Jewish and Gentile (non-Jewish) to worship him the Anti-Christ (the beast out of the sea, he who causes abomination, the man of sin etc.) as God and to worship the dragon (Satan the devil) who gives the Anti-Christ his power or authority or be killed. Since events in Jerusalem and other parts of the world are already very much prepared for these events such as the Jews increasingly devoted to praying to God or even rebuilding their Temple on the Temple Mount, I and other Bible believing Christians believe this agreement (covenant) in Daniel 9:27 starting with the Anti-christ to allow the Jews or Israelites to rebuilt their Temple on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem (and the preceding rapture or catching up to heaven of all true Christians by then) is very soon. (To become a true Christian I would strongly encourage the reader as I and other people who have already become Christians have done to admit we are sinners or come short of the true God's (the God of the Bible's) standards in His word the Holy Bible and also have a sinful including selfish nature all the way back to our first parents Adam and Eve and their unbelief and disobedience to God in taking and eating of the forbidden fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil in the Garden of Eden. To become true Christians we also need to believe also in our hearts that the Lord Jesus Christ or Jesus of Nazareth was God come down from heaven in human form through the virgin birth, lived a sinless life, died on the cross to bear our sins in the sight of God the Father and then bodily rose from the dead the third day and the 40th day after that returned or ascended to heaven and that he is now interceding for us before God the Father and will come again very soon.)

On the part of the Muslims, they also had their zeal to maintain as much of the Temple Mount that they call Haram al-Sharif or Noble Sanctuary and where they believe Mohammed ended his life on Earth by ascending to heaven from (although the earlist Muslims did not believe this, partly because the Muslim Al-Aqsa mosque and Dome of the Rock in Jerusalem weren't built until a couple decades after Mohammed died a relatively normal death in 632 AD in Medina in what is now Saudi Arabia. There is a Muslim mosque within about 10 or 20 miles of central Mecca in Saudi Arabia called Al Aqsa that is the Muslim mosque that is really the one referred to in this verse of the Quran where it is claimed Mohammed ascended to heaven on what is called the celestial night journey. The Muslims built the Dome of the Rock and Al-Aqsa mosque on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem and designated it as the third holiest site in Islam around 680 to 700 AD by the Umayyad Caliphate based in Damascus, Syria. This year in April the Muslims showed their zeal to protect the Temple Mount from the Jews for Islam and Allah by going to the Temple Mount in very large numbers, at least 200,000 people at once in the the Al-Aqsa mosque and on the plaza or courtyard on the Temple Mount and worshipped Allah bowing to Mecca in Saudi Arabia. One Muslim terrorist was also arrested by Israeli Jewish police when it was discovered beforehand that he had a gun and intended to go up to the Temple Mount and use it against Jewish pilgrims or worshippers on the Temple Mount during visiting hours to the Temple Mount reserved for Jewish or other non-Muslim (such as Christian) pilgrims and worshippers.

There was also a little later another major incident mostly on the part of some overzealous Muslims. Some Muslim mostly young men stayed or tried to stay overnight in the Al Aqsa mosque, apparently contrary to the so-called status quo agreement and apparently contrary to an agreement between the Muslim Waqf council over the Temple Mount on one hand and the Jerusalem and Temple Mount police and government of Israel on the other hand. The idea is supposed to be that the Muslims also respect Jewish visiting hours to the Temple Mount that include in the mornings at least on weekdays. There were found also much evidence of intention by the these Muslim terrorist young men in the Al Aqsa mosque on the Temple Mount such as rocks, firecrackers, Molotov cocktail firewords etc. that were viewed as weapons intented to hurt or terrorize Jewish visitors to the Temple Mount and chase Jewish visitors off the Temple Mount during their usual visiting hours to the Temple Mount during part of the Jewish holiday of Passover and Feast of Unleavened Bread. There were also reports that these Muslim young men, at least some of whom were masked, were preventing Muslims including Muslim women from leaving the Al Aqsa mosque and the Temple Mount before the dedicated time for Jews on the Temple Mount the following morning including according to reports from some more moderate Muslims who were at the Al Aqsa mosque and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. Therefore, upon hearing about this and after the Israeli Temple police or soldiers spent several hours trying to persuade these more militant Muslims to leave the Al Aqsa mosque and Temple Mount in time for Jewish visiting hours Wednesday, April 5 morning then the Israeli soldiers or police took more concerted action against the Muslim hardline young men with tear gas and rubber bullets and yes it seems some of the Israeli police did use some sticks or clubs against some of these resistant Muslim young men who were also resisting arrest violently including through the fireworks and perhaps some rocks at the Israeli police. Some of all this activity was caught on camera and can be viewed on different web sites on the internet. As a result of this Israel did lead off a couple dozen or a couple hundred of these Muslim hardline mostly young men to jail under arrest for charges and off the Temple Mount. There has been some international coverage of these incidents but most of what I have looked at or heard from the western mainstream media or diplomatic offices of some other mostly Middle East nations, including those that are supposed to have good relations with Israel like Jordan, Egypt and the United Arab Emirates, seem to mostly condemn Israel and omit some or all of the context of Israel coming against some of these hardline Muslim young men who would not leave the Al Aqsa mosque or the Temple Mount in general and likely wanted to carry out action the next morning to prevent or chase off Jewish or Christians supporting Jewish access to the Temple Mount. There was also some talk by some of the Muslims that they were staying in the Al Aqsa mosque to prevent religious Jews from offering lambs or goats as Passover sacrifices to God on the Temple Mount and so to prevent the Jews from getting more authority on the Temple Mount and getting closer to building their next Jewish Temple there including renewed Levitical worship service to God involving animal sacrifices. There was indeed an attempt by some Jewish young men of the returning to the Temple Mount group to bring lambs or goats to sacrifice them to God on the Temple Mount again this year perhaps on Wednesday the first day of Passover but they had already been arrested and detained with their lambs and goats by the Israeli police or soldier and were still detained or prevented from going up to the Temple Mount by the time the hardline Muslim young men were trying to overstay their permitted time on the Temple Mount and Al Aqsa mosque on Tuesday night before Passover on Wednesday, April 5th (2023). There were also some missiles fired from the Gaza Strip with the permission of the Islamic terrorist group Hamas at Israel and Israeli counterstrikes into Gaza especially at Hamas rocket and other military strikes on Israel as a result of the tense situation on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem between Jews and Muslims in the current time of the overlapping Jewish and Muslim respective holidays of Passover and Ramadan.

February 2023 The Temple Institute Announces Its Major New Project to Restore the Levitical Choir

In February 2023 the major Jewish Temple restoration group The Temple Institue made a blockbuster announcement. This was that their main new project would be to work on the restoration of the Levitical choir to prepare musical part of worship in the temple or house of the Lord as in the 1st (Solomon's) or the 2nd (Zerubbabel's then Herod's) Temple. Their name of this group of Levites that will be trained to lead musical worship of the LORD in the soon rebuilt Jewish Temple on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem is The Levitical Choir Academy. According to the Temple Institute Facebook account, the Temple Institue has already contacted a significant number of Jews or Israelites of Levitical background to invite them to train to be members of the Levitical choir. I believe the practice sessions are in or near Jerusalem, probably in or near the Old City part of Jerusalem which would be both near The Temple Mount and near the Temple Institue Visitors' Centre that are both in the Old City of Jerusalem. (This is part of what the world powers in an unwarranted or unbiblical way assign to the so-named Palestinian Arabs as part of East Jerusalem. Just today The Temple Institute posted a new posting about the Levitical Choir. That short video clip showed about 20 men, mostly I think between 30 and 50 years old, in a semi-circle of chairs practicing singing some Hebrew songs including Psalm 114 as led by a choir leader at the front. The leader and the choir members are mostly dressed in street or casual clothes but The Temple Institue states that they have begun the process of making custom fit white linen robes for each of the Levitical choir trainees to better prepare them for their soon coming role of leading the musical worship to the LORD or HaShem in the soon to be rebuilt Third Jewish Temple on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem. The Temple Institue will probably fairly soon train some of these Levitical Choir members on some of the different biblical musical instruments such as harps, lyres and brass cymbals for the choir leader. The Temple Institute had many articles of a historical nature with related paintings of the Levitical choir on their Facebook account leading up to this announcement and they are continuing to have a significant number of further postings of a historical or biblical basis on their Facebook account after the intital announcement of their intention to lead in the restoration of The Levitical Choir.

I believe as a dispensational or Bible believing Christian that this latest announcement by The Temple Institute to lead in the restoration of The Levitical Choir by making it their new major project is of huge bible prophecy significance. I have been praying for this to be realized as I have seen the lack of progress in this area of restoring the Jewish Temple and the Levitical priesthood services as a major shortcoming in overall progress in this area of Bible prophecy. As stated elsewhere in this Third or Tribulation Temple web page, I believe the overall efforts of Jewish Temple service restoration groups not least The Temple Institute to make preparations for the restored Jewish Temple and Temple services on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem is a major last days part of the last days restoration of Israel that is God's chosen earthly people to Himself and to His chosen and covenanted land of Israel for them. I believe The Temple Institute's recent committment to restore The Levitical choir means that the end of this present Church Age that started almost 2000 years ago at Pentecost with the coming down from heaven on the beginning of the Church around 32 AD about 50 days after the resurrection and about 10 days after the ascension to heaven of God's Son the Lord Jesus Christ (who said He would send the Holy Spirit to earth on His disciples after he returned to the Heavenly Father in the third heaven.) I believe the general progress of the Jews or Israelites to prepare for their Third Temple and now in particular to restore the Levitical choir for the musical worship of the LORD there means the end of the Church Age with the rapture or catching up to heaven of all true Christians or members of the true Church or all born again Christians is very near and that this will be followed almost immediately with the beginning of the 7 year tribulation or 70th week of Daniel in Daniel 9:27. Daniel 9:27 mentions a covenant or treaty with him (the antichrist or beast out of the sea in Revelation 13 and the man of sin of 2 Thessalonians 2 etc.) and Israel and many, probably many nations (especially Middle East nations and world powers) for a Middle East peace especially between Israel and its Arab neighbours. A key element of this treaty however will be that the Antichrist will allow or enforce Israel's right to build their Third Temple with resumed Levitical worship of God including the Levitical choir on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem. Therefore this new announcement by the Temple Institute has very important and timely bible prophecy implications. According to Daniel 9:27 with Revelation 11 and 2 Thessalonians 2 and Matthew 24:15 halfway through the 7 year tribulation or 3 1/2 years after the initial agreement by the antichrist with Israel and other nations to allow Israel to rebuilt their Jewish Temple on the Temple Mount, the Antichrist will show his true colours that he is not the longed for political Messiah of the Jews but Satan's counterfeit and empowered false Christ as he will then kick all the Jews including Jewish priests and Levites off the Temple Mount and forceably take over that temple of God as a worship centre to himself pose as God in the flesh and coerce people left on Earth to worship him as God and worship his image or take his mark to buy and sell (the mark of the beast) or be killed, or be driven into hiding in the wilderness or underground in cities etc. for up to the end of the second half of the tribulation and to the end of his term of complete world dictator.

At the end of the 7 year tribulation, the beast or he who causes abomination by his likely sitting in the holy of holies of the tribulation temple will be taken with his associate the false prophet likely by the Lord Jesus Christ when He comes with His Church and some Israelite and some Gentile Old Testament saints, the holy angels and the glory of God the Father from heaven to earth and then Jesus will cast the antichrist and false prophet into the lake of fire according to Revelation 19. Then the devil and his angels will be put into the bottomless pit by a leading holy angel in Revelation 20. Then the Millennial Kingdom of God's visible rule over all the Earth based in Jerusalem and His restored earthly people Israel will start with the Lord Jesus Christ in His earthly throne in the Millennial or Messianic Kingdom Temple as in Ezekiel 43, 44, Acts 1, Zechariah 14 with the Mount of Olives being the Mount whose prospect is towards the east of Jerusalem. Part of the worship of God the Father and His true Messiah Jesus of Nazareth in the Millennial or Messianic Kingdom will be by the Levites and the Levitcal priests in that Temple as the singers are mentioned or their chamber in Ezekiel 40:44. The Millennial or Messianic Kingdom such as in Revelation 20:4-6 will be followed by the eternal Kingdom of the One true Triune God or of God and the Lamb and His Holy Spirit in the New Jerusalem on the New Earth with the New Heavens for God's restored people of the true Church of this age and of the believing remnant of Israel and believers in God from the nations of other ages in God's eternal Kingdom in the New Jerusalem, New Earth and New Heavens in Revelation 21 and 22.

Since God is now allowing the Temple Institute to get the restoration of the Levitical choir in preparation for the 3rd or Tribulation Temple in earnest, I would encourage the reader, if you haven't already done so, to as soon as possible trust in God through trusting in His Son the Lord Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Saviour so you can be taken to heaven at the rapture of the Church and not be left on Earth for Earth's darkest hour of the oppressive, Satanic rule of the Antichrist or the Beast or to have to endure God's judgments on the Earth and people on Earth then as mentioned in Revelation 6 - 18, Matthew 24:15-31, and in the Old Testament such as in Isaiah 24-27 or the book of Joel or part of Daniel 2 and 7 and 11. To trust in Jesus means to admit you are a sinner (as I and all people who have already become Christians have done and regularly do) and to trust that Jesus died and shed His blood on the cross for our sins and forgiveness around Jerusalem about 2,000 years ago also for your sins and on the 3rd day after bodily rose from the dead to offer you, myself and all people God's resurrection and eternal and abundant life and to be God's spiritually and eternally restored child that we lost when our first parents disobeyed God and His word and took of the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil in the Garden of Eden and brought death and separation from God and the human race by default.

February 2022 French President Emmanuel Macron Speaks Out in Favour of Israel Control of the Temple Mount

In late February 2022, French President Emmanuel Macron was due to give a speech to the CRIF (the Representative Council of Jewish Institutions in France) that is an umbrella group of Jewish institutions in France. His speech was meant to give them peace or assurance that he (Macron) and the rest of the French government would do what they could to confront the significant level of anti-semitic incidents and people in France with France still the European nation with the largest number of Jews. However President Macron's speech was due to be delivered right in the middle of the new invasion by Russia into Ukraine which is being described, probably rightly, as the largest land battle in Europe since World War 2. Due to the timing of this speech scheduled to be given by President Macron and the competing attention of the Ukraine invasion by Russia and the fact that President Macron was already heavily involved in the Ukraine Russia conflict in attempting to restore peace he didn't speak personally at the CRIF meeting voicing French government support for French Jews against anti-semitism.

Instead he had his co-leader the French Prime Minister Jean Castex read out the speech Macron had prepared to give himself at the CRIF meeting voicing French government support for French Jews against anti-semitism in France. However, in at least part of the speech French President Emmanuel Macron, who is no stranger to ambitious schemes, including some previous ones in the Middle East, included or perhaps even started his speech with a specific reference to the Temple Mount in Israel. In his speech which is included in a recent article : Why Did Emmanuel Macron Just Make a Surprisingly Passionate Plea for Jews to Retain Control of the Temple Mount in Jerusalem by Bible prophecy writer Geoffrey Grider with ministry called Now the End Begins. He said he obtained some of the information in this article from The Jerusalem Post in Israel. The article by Mr. Grider dated February 28th, 2022 is at link:

In this article by President Macron that Now the End Begins obtained from The Jerusalem Post he mentions, and as I do supports as a way to bring forward Bible prophecy, that part of French President Macron's speech voiced clear support for Israel to have or continue to have main jurisdiction over the Temple Mount. However President Macron did acknowledge he supported the role of other religions or their people in Jerusalem and its present and future, probably including the Temple Mount but under overall Israeli authority. He did mention his support for overall Israeli authority over the Temple Mount in connection with his past visits to Jerusalem both earlier in his presidency and before he became President of France. There were probably other ways French President Emmanuel Macron could have spoken out in support of Jews in France against anti-semitic acts and words in France. It is significant, including in a Bible prophecy context, that French President Emmanuel Macron used that occasion where he was scheduled to speak before the French Jewish umbrella group the CRIF to instead of speaking about the situation regarding Jews in France and perhaps French government measures to support and protect them to support the Israeli Jewish claim, I believe rightfully, to the Temple Mount in Jersualem. Of course this speaking regarding and French President Emmanuel Macron involving him and the French leadership directly with the Israeli/Muslim struggle for control of the Temple Mount makes his speech at the CRIF much more possibly significant from a Bible prophecy context.

This mention of the Temple Mount involving French President Emmanuel Macron directly in the Israel/Muslim conflict is because one of the next and probably the next major on Earth Bible prophecy event is the announcement of the false Middle East peace by the Antichrist with Israel that will allow Israel to rebuild their Jewish Temple on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem as in Daniel 9:27. This will officially start the 7 year tribulation or 70th week of Daniel in Daniel 9 right after the rapture or catching up to heaven of all the true Church or all true Christians. In view of some of French President Macron's previous initiatives as president including offering his own plans for a Middle East peace and separately for reforming the European Union, his new announcement of being in favour of Israeli's continuing leadership or overall control of the Temple Mount but his being in favour of other religions or their people still having a role in Jerusalem and the Temple Mount and against the Islamization of Jerusalem and the Temple Mount by some globalist organizations like the United Nations makes French President Macron as still or even further a good candidate to be the Antichrist or false Messiah who will reveal himself to the world after the rapture by achieving at least a temporary Middle East peace that will involve giving Israel or the Jews authority over the Temple Mount in Jerusalem and allow them to build their Third Jewish Temple there.

According to the same Daniel 9 prophecy as well as the quotation of by the Lord Jesus Christ in Matthew 24:15 or reference to it the first half of the tribulation in Revelation 11:1-2 or in the second half of the tribulation in 2 Thessalonians 2 or Revelation 13 French President Macron's recent speech continues to put him in good perhaps the best position of especially current European leaders to after soon revealing himself as Antichrist (possibly) by achieving a Middle East peace that will allow Israel to rebuild their Jewish Temple on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem to then allow the Jews or Israelites to resume their Levitical worship including animal sacrifices and a Levitical Jewish priesthood in a Jewish Temple, the Third Temple, on the Temple Mount and then stop this Jewish sacrificial system after 3 1/2 years from its approval to transfer it directly to his authority as Antichrist and world leader to compel all people left behind on Earth to worship him based there in that temple in Jerualem as God or be killed as in 2 Thessalonians 2 and Revelation 13. It doesn't hurt that there are many other things that could well qualify French President Macron to be the Antichrist including part of his real name being Emmanuel that was one of the names of the true Christ, Jesus of Nazareth as in Matthew 1, or that President Macron has some Jewish background with his ancestors around the 1700s having the surname Hesse according to a previous article by Bible prophecy teacher Mr. Grider.

With these events that could potentially be very significant as well as significant other ongoing or recent developments with substantial importance in Bible prophecy I would urge the reader,if you haven't already done so to trust in the Lord Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Saviour. It will be for and only for all people of every nation who have trusted in the Lord Jesus Christ as their personal Lord and Saviour which means to personally in prayer to God in Jesus' name admit we are sinners in His sight and according to His word the Holy Bible and to trust in the Lord Jesus Christ that He died also for our sins on the cross and that He then rose the third day from the dead to enable us to have His resurrection life and become eternally and spiritually restored children of God with an assured home in heaven with Him. If we thus trust in Jesus we will also be or become indwelt by His Holy Spirit and hear His shout when He comes to take His Church to heaven very soon to be with Himself and not be left behind to face the oppressive and Satanic rule of the Antichrist over all the Earth and God's plagues to people dwelling on the Earth then. If we trust in Jesus before the rapture of the Church and immediate following tribulation we will also come with Jesus from heaven according to Revelation 19 to join in His judging this world and setting up and joining Him in ruling this world in the Millennial or Messianic Kingdom for 1000 years according to Revelation 20 and then be with Him and God the Father in His eternal Kingdom in the New Heavens, New Jerusalem and New Earth instead of the Lake of Fire that we all deserve as sinful human beings before a holy but loving God but which latter fate will still happen for people who don't receive the Lord Jesus Christ as their personal Lord and Saviour from their sins by faith in Him alone in this life. The relevant paragraph mentioning the Temple Mount and French President Emmanuel Macron's support of Israeli control of it or of continuing Israeli control of it in a multi-faith and possibly Bible prophecy context is as follows:

"Like you, I am concerned about the United Nations resolution on Jerusalem which continues to deliberately and against all evidence remove Jewish terminology from the Temple Mount. You know my attachment to Jerusalem, where I went several times as president or before becoming one. Jerusalem is the eternal capital of the Jewish people, I have never stopped saying that. This in no way precludes recognizing and respecting the attachment of other religions to this city, and it is in this spirit that I myself walked through hte Old City in 2020 and visited each of the holy places."

"Erasing Jerusalem's Jewishness is unacceptable, just as it is unacceptable that in the name of a just fight for freedom, associations misuse historically shameful terms to describe the state of Israel," Castex (in the speech that was written for and possibly also by French President Emmanuel Macron) said. He added that "Where all citizens, whatever their religion, have understood that their only hope is peace together. It is not by affirming such untruths that associations that claim to pursue an objective of peace can claim to fulfill their vocation. How dare we talk about apartheid in a state were Arab citizens are represented in government, in parliament, in leadership positions and in positions of responsibility?"

September 2021 Jewish Western Wall Heritage Foundation Report Citing Need for Immediate Repairs to Mughrabi Bridge Providing Only Entrance to Jews, Christians and All Other Non-Muslims to the Temple Mount in Jerusalem

In mid-July 2021, according to an article on Israel 365 News with title Israeli Lawmakers Discuss Preparation for Access to 3rd Temple, Knesset member Itamar Ben Gvir led a Knesset session of the condition of the Mughrabi bridge. The Mughrabi bridge or Hallel bridge is a wooden bridge to the Mughrabi Gate and part of the only access way for Jews or Israelites and all other non-Muslims including Christians or other non-Muslim tourists to the Temple Mount (or wht the Muslims call Haram al-Sharif or Al-Aqsa) in Jerusalem. The Temple Mount is located on the edge of the Old City of Jerusalem in part of what the modern international community calls East Jerusalem and wants to give the Palestinian Authority jurisdiction over and that was overseen by the nation of Jordan between 1948 and 1967. The same July Knesset meeting also discussed in general how Jewish visits to the Temple Mount could be promoted. Member of the Knesset (MK) Ben Gvir said about the situation with the Mughrabi bridge and Jewish access to the Temple Mount in general in the Israel 365 News article: "The situation is very far from what it should be. ... On one hand, we should see the glass as half full. It's go great that we can go the Temple Mount! But on the other hand, we need to improve. We're not satisfied with what we have. It's a good situation but it can be better." MK Itamar Ben Gvir is the head of the Religious Zionist Party and is a member of the Defence and Foreign Affairs Committee of the Knesset. Another Religous Zionist MK Simcha Rothman mentioned at the beginning of this meeting about the Mughrabi Gate: "Already for many years, it characterizes our connection to the land of Israel in many ways." He also said at the beginning of the meeting: "The issue of ascending to the Temple Mount has to be at the top of the priorities for the Nation of Israel."

MK Rothman referred to the matter of the Mughrabi Bridge which as been viewed for many years as at risk of collapse. He mentioned to the people at the meeting that it was then less than two months after a structural failure that led to 45 deaths of Israeli Jews at a pilgrimage place called Meron elsewhere in Israel during the Lag B'Omer Festival. MK Rothman in the same Israel 365 News article said further about the Mughrabi Bridge and its dangerous condition: "This is a safety issue but it is more than a safety issue. ... This is a national issue. We returned to our land. We returned with the famous expression (in 1967) The Temple Mount is in our Hands. Arriving at the Temple Mount must be central and not on the sidelines. This has to be an important aspect of our national infrastructure. (How can) the entrance to the Temple Mount (be) a temporary structure? We returned to our land. We need to think about how people will go to the Temple Mount once the Temple is rebuilt. It may not be an immediate need since it will take a day to two to build it." He concluded his speaking by saying: "But in the short term, the entrance to the Temple Mount, the holiest site to the Jewish people, cannot be like this, temporary." In an article on August 13, 2021 from The Times of Israel with title: "Israel to partially renovate hazardous bridge to Temple Mount - TV", it is stated that the risky state of the Mughrabi Bridge has led to concern of another disaster a couple months after a deadly crush at a religous festival (in Meron) in northern Israel in which 45 people lost their lives. A couple days after the Meron disaster a Jerusalem city engineer who was given work by the Jewish Western Wall Heritage Foundation examined the Mughrabi Bridge. Due to its bad condition he urged that it be replaced immediately and gave authority for its continued use until only September this year (2021). The Associated Press obtained a copy of a letter from that city engineer Ofer Cohen who said the quickly constructed bridge's wooden beams were "in a state of extreme dryness" and extremely cracked. He urged the state of Israel "to act immediately to replace the bridge in order to make safe its use." In answer to the city engineer's report the state of Israel said it would gradually replace the wooden beams that are in bad condition according to Channel 13 news in Israel.

September 2021 Israel Completes Basic Repairs on Mughrabi Bridge for Jews and Other Non-Muslims on the Temple Mount

The structural engineer, Ofer Cohen, that Israel hired to review the state of the Mughrabi bridge and to determine what repairs should be done recommended major renovations to replace the existing wooden Mughrabi bridge with a more long term and fireproof steel metal bridge. However there would likely be intense anger and pressure on Israel to back down from such a change from the Palestinians and Jordanians who have some authority over the Temple Mount through the Islamic Waqf and Grand Mufti of Jerusalem in the status quo arrangement over the Temple Mount. In an article: Israel to partially renovate hazardous bridge to the Temple Mount - TV in Times of Israel dated August 13 with link it is stated on page 2 of the article that the repairs Israel would carry out on the bridge would be the following: "In response to the engineer's report, the state said it would conduct a gradual replacement of the wooden beams that are in a bad state, Channel 13 news reported." The Temple Institute summarized the sad compromise the government of Israel did carry out, only when compelled to by their engineer's report in order not to offend the Jordanian and Palestinian Authority governments even though Israel mostly props them up from being taken over by Islamic terrorists etc. in an article on The Temple Institute Facebook Account on September 2 at 10:00 with title: "Government 'Repairs' Bridge to Temple Mount" as follows: For the past two years Jerusalem municipal engineers have reported that the bridge is in danger of collapse due to dry timbers. Once again the government has decided not to replace the bridge with a permanent structure and has been excessively hesitant about repairing it. Finally, earlier this week (week of September 2, 2021), worker and supplies were sent to make the necessary repairs. The photos below show the extent of the repairs: a patchwork of new timbers were laid (perpendicularly) over the old timbers, more of a band-aid than a repair."

Continuing the Temple Institute September 2 Facebook article Government 'Repairs' Bridge to Temple Mount: The Temple Institute further stated: "How sad the government of Israel is more concerned with the unfounded protests of Muslim provocateurs than with the safety of its own citizens." The two photos showing the repaired section of the Mughrabi Bridge including the new timbers are included in this Temple Institute Facebook article from September 2, 2021 Government 'Repairs' Bridge to Temple Mount.

September 29, 2021 Attempt Made by Some Young Jewish Third Temple Activists to Bring 4 Species of Trees for Making Booths (Tabernacles) to the Temple Mount to Observe the Feast of Taberncales During the Feast of Tabernacles (Succoth)

This year, according to a report on The Temple Institute Facebook page dated around September 26th, 2021 with title Arba Minim (Four Species) On the Temple Mount, some Jewish young men perhaps in their mid-twenties attempted to bring samples of four types of trees to the Temple Mount. What these young Jewish third temple building activists attempted to bring to the Temple Mount were sample branches of the 4 types of trees mentioned in the Torah, Pentateuch or Books of Moses that the Israelites including the Jews were supposed to make booths or tabernacles out of during the Feast of Taberncales or Succoth. The Feast of Tabernacles or Succoth is one of the Feasts of the LORD as mentioned in Leviticus 23 and Numbers 28 to 29 and was the last of the Fall or Harvest Feasts Obsevered by the Jews according to the Torah or Law of Moses every year around late September or early October in the western calendar. The Feast of Taberncales starts on the 15th day of the 7th month of the Jewish Biblical religious calendar and runs for 8 days until the 23rd day of the 7th month. The 7th month starts with the Feast of Trumpets or Rosh Hashanah on the 1st day of the 7th month. According to Nehemiah 8:14-15-18 the four species that the children of Israel were supposed to use branches of to make booths in their houses and on the Temple or House of the LORD courts were olive branches, pine branches, myrtle branches and palm branches. These were the four types of trees that these young Jewish Temple rebuilding brought branches of to the Temple Mount in Jerusalem a couple days ago but were then arrested by representatives of either the Jewish Temple police or the Islamic Waqf guards or both in order to uphold the Status Quo Temple Mount agreement I think written in 1967 where Jews are allowed to visit the Temple Mount but are not allowed to pray or otherwise worship the LORD or Yahweh or Adonai on the Temple Mount and Muslims are allowed to go up there and pray and worship their God (Allah) that is the moon god and not the same as the true Creator-Redeemer God of the Bible. The Temple Police or Waqf guards then confiscated the Feast of Tabernacles branches from these young Jewish Temple Mount activists, escorted them off the Temple Mount and likely gave them a lecture to not do such actions that are against the Temple Mount Status Quo agreement since the 1967 Six Day War in order to supposedly avoid provoking Muslims or the Muslim world that falsely claim the Temple Mount is only Muslim and not a Jewish holy site and perhaps charged them.

These Jewish Temple Mount activists understood Old Testament Jewish history and were most likely seeking to catalyze progress in efforts by Temple Mount activist Jews to rebuild the Jewish Temple and resume the Levitical priesthood animal sacrifices and other rituals at the Jewish Temple on the Temple Mount and hasten the coming of the Jewish or Israelite Messiah (Moshiach) and the Messianic Kingdom that they believe we are just on the verge of. (As a dispensational or literal Bible interpreting Christian who also believes in the last days restoration of Israel I believe they have some of the right idea and that there will be another Jewish Temple built with at least similiar to the Levitical services as in Ezekiel 40-48, Zechariah 14 etc. but that it won't occur until after the Second Coming in glory from heaven with Jesus' true Church including myself and all other true Christians to Earth especially Jerusalem at the end of the tribulation. I think the real Messiah, including for the Messianic Kingdom, will be Jesus of Nazareth as in the Christian New Testament scriptures. However these Jewish Temple Mount activists are likely rabbinic Orthodox Jews and not Messianic Jews who believe in Jesus as the Messianic and the New Testament as part of the Word of God and so they likely don't accept there will be the rapture or catching up to heaven of the true Church and the 7 year tribulation or 70th week of Daniel 9 before the Second Coming or Coming of the LORD of Messiah at the end of the tribulation to set up the Messianic or Millennial Kingdom and so could be at risk of falling for the Antichrist who will be revealed on Earth first and present himself as the Jewish Messiah at first by offering to authorize the Jews or Israelites to build their Jewish Temple in Jerusalem with the animal sacrifices and other rituals at the beginning of the tribulation or 70th week of Daniel in Daniel 9.

However the Antichrist, the Beast, Man of Sin or he who causes abomination will make this offer to help the Jews build their temple on the Temple Mount in order that he can take it over at the mid point of the tribulation 3 1/2 years after the start and enforce worship of himself and the devil or dragon Satan the devil as God on the Jews or Israelites and the nations in an effort to get what the devil and other demons or fallen angels have sought since they rebelled against God which is the worship of man or human beings to them instead of the Creator God. We also believe that by the end of the tribulation at least a good fraction of the Jews or Israelites who are initially deceived by the Antichrist or False Messiah at the beginning of the tribulation will realize that Jesus of Nazareth is their true Messiah and commit themselves to Him by the end of the tribulation as in Zechariah 12. According to Leviticus 23 and Nehemiah 8 one of the places that the Jews or Israelites were to build and dwell in booths or tabernacles of these tree branches ideally was on the courts of the Jewish Temple (in the courts of the house of God or in the place that the LORD shall choose) besides on the properties of their own houses. The Israelites were to dwell in booths as a reminder of when they lived in temporary tents or tabernacles when they journeyed from Egypt to the Promised Land of Israel through the Sinai peninsula desert or wilderness in the time of the earlier leader of Israel Moses. These efforts by these young Jewish Temple rebuilding activists to bring these correct branches of trees to observe the Feast of Tabernacles to the Temple Mount this year shows the deep desire and committment by at least some Torah or other Word of God portion observant Jews to press for the building of the Jewish Temple right away and seek to hasten the coming of the Jewish Messiah and bring the Messianic Kingdom on Israel and the nations of the world and is a further indication of the shortness of the time before the fulfillment of biblical last days events starting with the rapture of the Church, followed by the 7 year tribulation, Second Coming in glory of the Lord Jesus Christ with His true Church and holy angels to judge the world and to set up God's Kingdom on Earth focused on restored Israel in Jerusalem but with also the saved of the nations. These Jewish Temple Mount activists no doubt would also be aware of the scripture in Ezra 3 in which earlier in the history of Israel, some of the Israelites who returned from Babylon (in modern day Iraq) kept the 1st Feast of Tabernacles as one of the first Jewish feasts after their return to Jerusalem and Israel after they rebuilt the altar of Jewish Temple or House of the LORD as the beginning of the rebuilding then of the Jewish or Israelite Temple with the beginning of Zerubbabel's Temple that was much later substantially improved and renovated by King Herod as Herod's Temple near the time of the 1st life and public ministry of Jesus of Nazareth around 2,000 years ago. These Jewish activists were in this way hoping that God would reward their efforts to establish the 3rd Jewish Temple and Temple ceremonies on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem as God did reward the efforts of earlier Jews or Israelites to rebuild the Jewish Temple under the Israelite leader Ezra as the Second Temple around 500 BC.

Since all these things are happening now and similiar Bible prophesied events for the last days before God sets up His Kingdom through His Son and true Messiah Jesus of Nazareth I would strongly encourage you the reader, if you haven't already done so, to admit you are a sinner or imperfect including at least somewhat selfish before our Creator God - the God of the Bible according to what He says is sin in His Word the Holy Bible and trust in the Lord Jesus Christ particularly His death on the cross for our sins and resurrection from the dead to give us God's eternal resurrection life and enable you also to become a spiritually and eternally restored child of God and be assured of an eternal home in heaven, the new earth and new heavens with God the Father and His Son the Lord Jesus Christ the Lamb of God, His Holy Spirit, saved people of all ages and holy angels and not continue risk an eternal tormented existence in hell and then the lake of fire to pay for one's sins oneself.

Scripture References from Leviticus 23, Nehemiah 8 and Ezra 3 and Zechariah 14 Regarding the Jews or Israelites Keeping the Feast of Tabernacles At Least Partly on the Temple Mount With Booths or Tabernacles of 4 Types of Trees Including Right After the Dedication of the Altar of the 2nd Jewish Temple in the Time of Ezra

And the LORd spake unto Moses, saying, Speak unto the children of Israel, saying, The fifteenth day of this seventh month shall be the feast of tabernacles for seven days unto the LORD (Yahweh, especially God the Father and to some extent the whole Divine Trinity of Christianity, HaShem or Jehovah) On the first day shall be an holy convocation (assembly): ye shall do no servile (livelihood labour) work therein. Seven days ye shall offer an offering made by fire unto the LORD: on the eighth day shall be an holy convocation unto you; and ye shall offer an offering made by fire unto the LORD: it is a solemn assembly; and ye shall do no servile work therein. These are the feasts of the LORD, which ye shall proclaim to be holy convocations, to offer an offering made by fire unto the LORD, a burnt offering, and a meat offering, a sacrifice, and drink offerings, every thing upon his day: Besides the sabbaths of the LORD, and beside your gifts, and beside your vows, and beside all your freewill offerings, which ye give unto the LORD. Also in the fifteenth day of the seven month, when ye have gathered in (harvested) the fruit of the land, ye shall keep a feast unto the LORd seven days: on the first day shall be a sabbath, and on the eighth day shall be a sabbath. And ye shall take you on the first day the boughs of goodly trees, branches of palm trees, and the boughs of thick trees, and willows of the brook; and ye shall rejoice before the LORD your God seven days. And ye shall keep it a feast unto the LORD seven days in the year. It shall be statute for ever in your generations: ye shall celebrate it in the seventh month. Ye shall dwell in booths (tabernacles or tents) seven days; and that are Israelites born shall dwell in booths: That your generations may know that I made the children of Israel to dwell in booths, when I brought them out of the land of Egypt: I am the LORD your God. And Moses declared unto the children of Israel the feasts of the LORD. Leviticus 23:33-44

And Nehemiah, which is the Tirshatha (governor), and Ezra the priest the scribe, and the Levites that taught the people, said unto all the people, This day is holy unto the LORD your God; mourn not, nor weep. For all the people wept, when they heard the words of the law. ... And on the second day were gathered together the chief of the fathers of all the people, the priests, and the Levites, unto Ezra the scribe, even to understand the words of the law. And they found written in the law which the LORD had commanded by Moses, that the children of Israel should dwell in booths in the feast of the seventh month: And that they should publish and proclaim in all their cities, and in Jerusalem, saying, Go forth unto the mount, and fetch olive branches, and pine branches, and myrtle branches, and palm branches, and branches of thick trees, to make booths (tabernacles), as it is written. So the people went forth, and brought them, and made themselves booths, every one upon the roof of his house, and in their courts, and in the courts of the house of God, and in the street of the water gate, and in the street of the gate of Ephraim. And all the congregation of them that were come again out of the captivity (in Babylon) made booths, and sat under the booths: for since the day of Jeshua (Joshua) the son of Nun unto that day had not the children of Israel done so. And there was very great gladness. And day by day, from the first day unto the last day, he (Nehemiah) read in the book of the law of God. And they kept the feast seven days; and on the eigth day was a solemn assembly, according to the manner. Nehemiah 8:9, 13-18

And when the seventh month was come, and the children of Israel were in the cities, the people gathered themselves together as one man in Jerusalem. Then stood up Jeshua (Joshua) the son of Jozadak (the high priest), and his brethren the priests, and Zerubbabel the son of Shealtiel, and his brethren, and builded the altar of the God of Israel, to offer burnt offerings thereon, as it is written in the law of Moses the man of God. And they set the altar upon his bases; for fear was upon them because of the people of those countries: and they offered burnt offerings thereon unto the LORD, even burnt offerings morning and evening. They kept also the feast of tabernacles, as it is written, and offered the daily burnt offerings by number, according to the custom, as the duty of every day required; And afterward offered the continual burnt offering, both of the new moons, and of all the set feast of the LORD that were consecrated, and of every one that willingly offered a freewill offering unto the LORD. From the first day of the seventh month began they to offer burnt offerings unto the LORD. But the foundation of the temple of the LORD was not laid. ... And when the builders laid the foundation of the temple of the LORD, they set the priests in their apparel with trumpets, and the Levites the sons of Asaph with cymbals, to praise the LORD, after the ordinance of David king of Israel. Ezra 3:1--6, 10

And it shall come to pass, that every one that is left of all the (70 Genesis 10 Table of Nations from Noah) nations which came against Jerusalem shall even go up from year to year to worship the King, the LORD of hosts, and to keep the feast of tabernacles. And it shall be, that whoso will not come up of all the families of the earth unto Jerusalem to worship the King, the LORD of hosts, even upon them shall be no rain. And if the family of Egypt go not up, and come not, tht have no rain; there shall be the plague, wherewith the LORD will smite the heathen that come not up to keep the feast of tabernacles. Zechariah 14:16-19

May 2021 Continuing Saudi Arabian Insistance that Islamic Al Aqsa Mosque is not in Jerusalem but Near Mecca in Saudi Arabia

In an article in the Israel Hayom news source by writer Dean Shmuel Elmas with title Al Aqsa Mosque is not in Jerusalem with link the lawyer and journalist from Saudi Arabia Osama Yamani was quoted to say instead that it is in Arabia near the Islamic holy city Mecca. The subtitle of this article is: "Saudi lawyer and journalist Osama Yamani claims that Al-Aqsa is located near Mecca in Saudi Arabia." In this article in Israel Hayom, that is based on an interview with Mr. Yamani in the Saudi news source Okaz, he claims the Al Aqsa mosque is not in Jerualem but in a town Al Ju-ranah near Mecca probably within 20 miles or 30 kilometers somewhat to the north of Mecca and in Mecca or Makkah province. In the Islamic holy book the Quran it is stated that the Al Aqsa mosque was the location from which their founder Mohammed was caught up to heaven during his life. My Yamani further declares that the confusion between the two claimed locations for the Al Aqsa mosque is because many history books state that that mosque is in Jerusalem. Mr. Yamani further stated in this regard: "Jerusalem is not Al-Aqsa, which is not cited in the missions that Allah gave Muhammed and the caliphs. Similiarly, Jerusalem is a city, and Al-Aqsa is a mosque." Mr. Yamani states that in the beginning of the Islamic religion, Muslims didn't face towards Al-Aqsa when they prayed (but towards Mecca). Mr. Yamani refers to facts details of history to support his point that Al-Aqsa is in Arabia near Mecca, not in Jerusalem in Israel. He stated that the fifth caliph (Muslim leader) from the Umayyad dynasty, Abn al-Malik, built the Dome of the Rock on the Temple Mount or what the Muslims call Haram al-Sharif in Jerusalem (and the Al-Aqsa mosque about the same time in the late 600s to 700 AD about 6 or 7 decades after the death of Mohammed in Medina, Saudi Arabia in 632 AD.) (The Umayyad dynasty was based in Damascus, Syria.) My Yamani further states that Al-Malik built the Dome of the Rock in Jerusalem nine years after Abd Allah Ibn al-Zubayr rebelled and obstructed local residents from realizing their obligation to make the haj pilgrimage to Mecca. Mr. Yamani then states: "At that stage, he Al-Malik changed the direction of prayer toward Jerusalem." Mr. Yamani then adds in relation to these developments: "There are stories influenced by political considerations that served purposes of that time, and sometimes claims are made that they have nothing to do with faith or following religious dictates."

In a more lengthy article about Mr. Yamani's clarification of the location of the Al-Aqsa mosque in the source Israel 365 News with title Saudi media exposes Palestinian Lie: Al Aqsa Mosque isn't on Temple Mount (in Jerusalem) with link he expands on the term and context Al Aqsa. Mr. Osama Yamani in this Israel 365 News article that Al Aqsa means the furthest mosque. He states that this is in reference to the location of Muhammed's "Night Journey" from Mecca. This article states that in this regard, "farthest" means "farthest from Mecca". Mr. Yamani went on to state that the Al-Aqsa mosque was in a town called Al Ju-ranna or Jeharna near Mecca. He said this is in comparison to another mosque that was built by one of Muhammed's financial supporters called "al-Masjid al-Adna" or the "the Near Mosque". This Al-Adna mosque is in a town even closer to the Grand Mosque in central Mecca in a town called at-Tanim. al-Tanim is actually on the outskirts of Mecca and is probably less than 10 kilometers from central Mecca.

June 2021 Implications of Saudi and Other Arab Muslim Admissions that the Islamic Al-Aqsa Mosque is not in Jerusalem but in Arabia near Mecca

For one thing, a reason that the current Saudi Arabian Muslims or likely past Arabian Muslims or perhaps some other Muslims such as in Iraq or North Africa outside the area around Damascus, Syria, don't accept that the Al Aqsa mosque is in Jerusalem is a practical one. This practical reason, especially for the Arabian Muslims, is explained for instance by Dr. Mordechai Kedar a teacher at Bar-Ilan University in Israel in its Arabic Department. According to an article Saudi media exposes Palestinian Lie: Al Aqsa Mosque isn't on Temple Mount by Adam Berkowitz on Israel 365 News the claim of some Muslims that the Al Aqsa mosque is on the Temple Mount is "fake news". According to this article Dr. Kedar claims it is insulting to Saudi Arabian Muslims because as he puts it: "(this claim of the Al-Aqsa mosque being in Jerusalem and on almost the same level of holiness or religious importance as the ones in Mecca and Medina in Arabia) would raise the mosque on the Temple Mount to a level of importance that could contest the centrality of Mecca in Islam." Dr. Kedar further states in this article: "In early Islam, we see that assigning holiness to the Temple Mount was criticized as an attempt to introduce Jewish concepts into Islam." He also states quite importantly: "Today this narrative describing Mohammed's Night Journey as culminating in Jerusalem has been revived, advanced by the Muslim Brotherhood, Turkey's President Erdogan, Qatar, and other Islamist movements seeking to unite Muslims and/or Arabs under a caliphate who seek to take over Jerusalem and use it like a crown". This is why it is very important that some Arab leaders like this Saudi lawyer and journalist Osama Yamani dispute what has come to be probably the main, but historically false, idea that the location of the Al Aqsa mosque in Islam was or is on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem rather than several miles from Mecca in Arabia.

One practical way that the Saudi led efforts to correct and restore the location of the Al Aqsa mosque in Israel to its original correct location near Mecca is the substantial inclusion of Saudi Arabia and its ally the United Arab Emirates in the Middle East peace proposal developed by the previous Republican Party led Donald Trump administration in the United States called the Abraham Accords. The Abraham Accords were developed especially by US Middle East envoys Jason Greenblatt and Jared Kushner but with significant consultation and participation with representatives from Israel and some Arab Muslims such as from United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia and perhaps Egypt. Among other things the Abraham Accords, in seeking a wider peace agreement between Israel and Arab Muslim nations than simply with the Palestinian Arabs led to peace agreements and establishment of diplomatic relations between Israel and some Muslim nations particularly the United Arab Emirates, Bahrain, Sudan and Morocco and better relations between Saudi Arabia and Israel. One part of the Abrham Accords allows for Saudi Arabia to have a larger role in the Muslim management of at least partly Muslim holy places in Israel such as the Temple Mount. This would be at the expense of Muslim leadership through the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem and the Waqf that are currently associated with Jordan and the Palestinian Authority currently led by King Abdullah and Mahmoud Abbas respectively. Neither of these political powers and their leaders have shown any interest in sharing the Temple Mount more with Jewish pilgrims or religious leaders but have instead opposed the current limited visits of Jews to the Temple Mount or of Israel to allow easier access to the The Temple Mount calling the Jewish pilgrims "settlers" or saying their visits defile the sanctity of the Muslim Al-aqsa Mosque or Haram Al-Sharif which are their names for the Temple Mount.

In contrast, Saudi Arabian officials have recently not made a secret of the fact they don't regard the Al-Aqsa mosque on the Temple Mount or the Temple Mount as a whole as historically or currently on the same level of holiness to Islam as the mosques and cities of Mecca and Medina in Saudi Arabia. In assocition with this leading Saudi (and United Arab Emirates or Emirati) officials have said publicly they are quite OK with Jews also going up to the Temple Mount to pray to the God of Israel or who the Jews call HaShem and in the Christian Old Testament is called the LORD or Jehovah or Yahweh that myself and other Christians would regard as especially God the Father but in some sense the complete Divine Trinity of Father, Son (Jesus Christ) and Holy Spirit. Some Saudi officials have also said publicly, including as part of the Abraham Accords, that they could accept that the Jews or Israelites would be allowed to built a religious shrine, synagogue or some sort of temple to worship the Jewish or Israelite God on part of the Temple Mount as long as the Muslims could still have their mosques there to worship their god Allah in their mosques or religious buildings in especially the Al Aqsa mosque. (If it is maintained there is now a provisional but fragile new Israeli coalition government that includes parties from the left, centre and right wings led by centrist Ya'ir Lapid and right wing Naftali Bennett. If this new government survives, with more a united desire to replace right wing Likud Party leader Benjamin Netanyahu that much overall things in common in political policies or ideology and with a majority of only one seat with 61 out of 120 total Knesset seats, it could be more willing to make a comprehensive peace with the mostly Muslim Arab nations including Saudi Arabia and the Emiratis under the Abraham Accords and perhaps with the Palestinian Authority and Jordan as well. If successful, even temporarily for a couple years, such a Middle East peace agreement could lead or be confirmed and lead directly to the false peace of the Antichrist with Israel immediately after the rapture or catching up to heaven of all the true Church and beginning of the 7 year tribulation or time of God's wrath.

This seven year tribulation covenant that the Abraham Accords could be leading up to will be a covenant, treaty or accord that the Satanic Antichrist will make with Israel and many (other possibly other including neighbouring Muslim and world nations) that will allow Israel to build their Third Jewish Temple on at least part of the Temple Mount that will officially begin the 7 year tribulation or 7 year 70th week of Daniel. The Antichrist will present himself falsely as the Messiah and Redeemer or Israel, Saviour of the world and probably last days saviour figure of other religions including as the Mahdi or Twelfth Iman of Islam. However, the Antichrist will break this false peace or covenant after 3 1/2 years that will allow the Jews or Israelites to share the Temple Mount with Muslims and for the Jews to build a Third Temple probably with a temporary tent Tabernacle first and restore the Jewish Old Testament Levitical worship system to God including animal sacrifices that some Orthodox Jewish Temple activist groups like The Temple Institute and the Temple Mount Faithful have been promoting for many years now. The Antichrist will break this covenant by forcibly removing the then restored Jewish religious priests and Levites religious leaders and their articles such as the furniture of the temple such as the menorah candlestick and ark of the covenant and things associated with the sacrificial animals and probably as well as removing the religious leaders and their religious articles in the Muslim Dome of the Rock if it is still then remaining as a Muslim holy site and of the Al Aqsa mosque on the Temple Mount.

In their place the Antichrist and his colleague the False Prophet or Beast out of the Land will replace all these Jewish and Muslim holy religious leaders and objects with themselves and ceremonial religious leaders to worship Satan the devil and his Christ the Antichrist with assistance from the False Prophet on the Temple Mount through the Temple of Satan that will have been transformed to that from the then recently rebuilt Third Temple of the true God (the LORD or Divine Trinity including Father, Son (the Lord Jesus Christ) and Holy Spirit). The Antichrist will likely set himself in the central holy of holies in the by the mid point of the 7 year tribulation seized and altered Third Jewish Temple to become the Temple of Satan and His Christ or Annointed One The Antichrist or Beast Out of the Sea or Man of Sin to receive the worship as God of all people on earth including through the image of the beast or else have people killed. Some biblical references to this Third Temple or Temple of God that by the mid point of the Tribulation will be transformed into the Temple of Satan (the dragon or serpent or the devil) and His man the Antichrist the Beast out of the Sea or Man of Sin or He Who Causes Abomination are the following:

And he (the Antichrist and leader of the revived Roman Empire) shall confirm the covenant with many for one week: and in the midst of the week he shall cause the sacrifice and the oblation to cease, and for the overspreading of abomination he shall make it desolate, even until the consummation (of Gentile or nation led history by Jesus' Second Coming to restore the Davidic Kingdom to Israel centred in Jerusalem with the believing remnant of Israel, the true Church and saved of the nations), and that determined shall be poured upon the desolate or desolator (the Anti-Christ). Daniel 9:27

And there was given me a reed like unto a rod: and the angel stood, saying, Rise, and measure the temple of God, and the altar, and them that worship therein. But the court which is without the temple leave out, and measure it not; for it is given unto the Gentiles (in this case probably the Muslims with their Islamic mosques on other parts of the Temple Mount other than where the rebuilt Third Jewish Temple will be): and the holy city (Jerusalem) shall they tread under foot forty and two months (probably the first forty two months or 3 1/2 years of the tribulation leading up to the midpoint when the devil through the Antichrist, he who makes desolate or the beast takes over the Temple Mount and Third Jewish Temple for enforced worship of himself as God to the people then on Earth and makes that temple a temple to Satan the dragon and his man the Antichrist (Beast). Revelation 11:1-2

About mostly the second part of the 7 year tribulation or especially the Great Tribulation when the devil through the Antichrist, beast, man of sin or he who causes abomination will be fully in power on Earth the Lord Jesus Christ says: When ye therefore shall see the abomination of desolation, spoken of by Daniel the prophet (as in Daniel 9:27) stand in the holy place (the holy of holies of the Third Temple or Third Temple of God), whose readeth, let him understand:) Then let them which be in Judaea flee into the mountains: Let him which is on the housetop not come down to take any thing out of his house: ... For then shall be great tribulation, such as was not since the beginning of the world to this time, no, nor ever shall be. Matthew 24:15-17, 21.

Now we beseech you, brethren, by the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, and by our gathering together unto him (first in the air or near outer space in our eternal spiritual bodies for all members of the true Church, true or born again Christians, or part of belivers in the Church Age part of the Kingdom Age as in 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18), That ye be not soon shaken in mind,or be troubled, neither by spirit, nor by word, nor by letter as from us, as that the day of Christ is at land (should be that the day of the LORD is now present (which starts with the 7 year tribulation). (The day of Christ is the time of the rapture or catching up to heaven of all the true Church as in Philippians 1:6) Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day (the day of the LORD starting with the tribulation) shall not come, except there come a falling away (apostasy or falling away especially of professing Christian people of the true God) first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition; Who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped; so that he as God sitteth in the temple of God, shewing himself that he is God. Remember ye not, that, when I was yet with you, I told you these things? 2 Thessalonians 2:1-5

And I stood upon the sand of the sea, and saw a beast rise up out of the sea (the Antichrist, man of sin, little horn or he who causes abomination), having seven heads and ten horns, and upon his horns ten crowns, and upon his heads the name of blasphemy. And the beast which I saw was like unto a leopard, and his feet were as the feet of a bear, and his mouth as the mouth of a lion; and the dragon (Satan the devil) gave him his power, and his seat (throne) and great authority (power). And I saw one of his heads as it were wounded to death; and his deadly wound was healed; and the world wondered after the beast. And they worshipped the dragon which gave power unto the beast: and they worshipped the beast, saying, Who is like unto the beast? who is able to make war with him? And there was given unto him a mouth speaking great things and blasphemies; and power was given unto him to continue forty and two months (3 1/2 years the second half of the tribulation until the Antichrist, False prophet, the devil and his angels and all the people still under them in the world system are defeated at the consummation at the Second Coming in glory from heaven of the Lord Jesus Christ to set up God's Kingdom over all the Earth based in Jerusalem as in Revelation 19 and 20, Zechariah 14, Acts 1, Matthew 26:62-65 etc.) And he opened his mouth in blasphemy against God, to blaspheme his name, and his tabernacle (in heaven), and them that dwell in heaven (holy angels and by that time all the true Church as in Revelation 5). ... And I beheld another beast coming up out of the earth (or land); and he had two horns like a lamb, and he spake as a dragon. And he exerciseth all the power of the first beast before him, and causeth the earth and them which dwell therein to worship the first beast (the Antichrist), whose deadly wound was healed. And he doeth great wonders, so that he maketh fire (perhaps actual fire but perhaps including UFOs with lights or meteors etc.) come down from heaven in the sight of men, And deceiveth them that dwell on the earth by the means of those miracles which he had power to do in the sight of the beast; saying to them that dwell on the earth, that they should make an image to the beast, which had the wound by the sword, and did live. And he had power to give life unto the image of the beast, that the image of the beast should both speak, and cause that as many as should not worship the image of the beast should be killed. And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads (mostly likely an embedded RFID chip under the skin but possibly something else); And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six (666). Revelation 13:1-6, 11-18.

In view of these emphatic measures by the Saudi Arabian and some other southern Arab leaders to distance themselves and other Muslims or those outside of Islam to the idea that the Al Aqsa mosque of the Quran and in the life of Muhammed is on the Temple Mount (Haram al-Sharif) in Jerusalem but is instead near Mecca in Arabia and in view of the likely fact that this could more readily result in especially the Saudi led Muslims to share the Temple Mount with the Jews even to the extent of allowing the Jews or Israelites to build their Third Temple on the Temple Mount especially after the public revelation of the soon coming Antichrist of False Messiah I would urge the reader to as soon as possible trust in the Lord Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Saviour. This would be especially if you haven't already done so in your life. I urge you to if you haven't already to soon trust in the Lord Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Saviour, that is to in your heart as well as your head admit to God you are a sinner or not perfectly righteous in God's sight according to His word - the Holy Bible and that you have or do soon trust in the Lord Jesus Christ that after He lived a sinless life as God in the form of a man, then died on the cross for our sins, was buried and on the third day He rose again from the dead to enable those who trust in Him to have God's eternal life ultimately in heaven with Him and be restored children of God. If you do trust or have already trusted in the Lord Jesus Christ in the biblical way you can then also be assured of having a blessed outcome in soon coming bible prophecy events. These blessed outcomes in bible prophecy events would include your taking part in the very soon coming rapture or catching up to heaven of all true, born again or biblical Christians with Jesus and not being left behind on earth for Earth's and the human race's darkest hour in the 7 year tribulation under the opppressive rule of the Satanic Antichrist or Beast out of the sea and False Prophet or beast out of the land and having to endure God's unprecedented plagues or judgments on people on Earth. If you have already or as soon as possible before the rapture of the Church and immediately following tribulation over all the earth trust in the Lord Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Saviour you can instead come from heaven at the end of the tribulation with the Lord Jesus Christ and set up God's 1000 year Kingdom on this Earth and then eternal Kingdom on the new Earth and in the new Heavens and new Jerusalem and share in the victory of His judging people and demons that insist on neglecting or rejecting God and His Son Jesus Christ.

September 2020 Rabbi Yehudah Glick Sounds Shofar on Temple Mount in Jerusalem Probably for First Time Since 70 or 135 AD

Earlier this month Jewish Temple rebuilding activist Rabbi Yehudah Glick sounded the shofar or trumpet on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem. Rabbi Yehudah Glick is founder and director of the Jewish Temple rebuilding organization Shalom Jerusalem Foundation. Around August this year (2020) the Sanhedrin had applied to the Israeli authorities, probably the Jerusalem city government and Jerusalem police department to be allowed to sound an actual trumpet (shofar) on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem on Rosh Hashanah (the Feast of Trumpets). However this request was turned down. It was probably after learning of this denial that Rabbi Yehudah Glick decided on going forward with his probably already thought out contingency plan as he is one of several people or organizations who are very zealous in working towards building the next Jewish Temple on the Temple Mount as soon as possible. Therefore he did and has gone ahead and brought up his smart phone with him on the Temple Mount in a recent visit in the beginning of September. He then played out loud a recorded he had stored on his smart phone when he arrived on top of the Temple Mount. This audio recording was of the blasts of the shofar or a trumpet probably as would be suitable for sounding on Rosh HaShanah or the Feast of Trumpets. He might have done this to be heard of God to appeal to Him to clear the way for the Jews or Israelites to be enabled to build the Jewish Third Temple on the Temple Mount as soon as possible. (Although I believe a rightly sanctified Jewish Temple will be built soon on the Temple Mount, I don't believe the one with the true Messiah and that the true God the God of the Bible will actually approve and use in the real Messianic or Millennial KIngdom will be until after Jesus the Messiah's glorious Second Coming from heaven to earth at the end of the tribulation. I believe that what will start the tribulation will be the agreement of the Antichrist or False Messiah or the Beast out of the Sea in Revelation or Man of Sin in 2 Thessalonians 2 with the Jews for a possible Middle East false peace for one week of 7 years that will include the rebuilding of the Jewish Temple but as the Tribulation Temple that the Antichrist will defile as in Daniel 9:27, Revelation 11:1-2 and Matthew 24:15 etc. I believe it is the building of this tribulation temple that the activism of Rabbi Yehudah Glick and other Jewish Temple restoration activists will lead to first (but that their efforts will also bring the building of the true restored Jewish Temple in the Messianic Kingdom of the true Messiah Jesus of Nazareth after His Second Coming as in Ezekiel 40-48 or Zechariah 6 or Matthew 23:37-39, Amos 9, Acts 15 etc. Video clips of Rabbi Yehudah Glick sounding the shofar or trumpet on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem just before Rosh HaShanah this year in 2020 for the first time probably since 70 or 135 AD when the last Jewish Temple stood in Jerusalem can be found on the web sites or including on Israel National News at

July 2020 Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan Threatens to "Liberate" Al Aqsa (the Temple Mount) in Jerusalem after Changing the Hagia Sophia in Istanbul into a Mosque and Possible Bible Prophecy Implications

In July 2020 authoritarian president Tayyip Erdogan made a very controversial announcement in Turkey. He announced that he and his government have changed the status of the huge Hagia Sophia religious building in Istanbul into a functioning mosque. The Hagia Sophia had been changed from a mosque to a museum by Turkey's former secularist leader Ataturk in about 1934. It had mostly remained that way until the current day although there had been already some steps by Erdogan to prepare for the Hagia Sophia to again be a mosque. These steps include already setting aside part of the area inside it for a Muslim prayer area. The Hagia Sophia was originally built as a church that was the centre of what is now called the Eastern Orthodox Church and was then called the Byzantine Empire because its headquarters was in Byzantium. Byzantium was before called Constantinople and has been called Istanbul since it was seized by the Muslims under their leader Sultan Mehmet in 1453. The Byzantine leader who completed the initial building of the Hagia Sophia as the original church was the Byzantine leader Justinian in the year 537 AD. For several hundred years the Hagia Sophia was the largest church in the world. The turning of it now by Turkish leader Erdogan into a mosque is just another step in his fundamentalist Islam and his desire to reestablish more Islamic control in the Middle East. He envisions this Islamic Middle East controlled by Turkey and himself as a re-established Ottoman Empire with him as its Sultan or leader. (The original Ottaman Empire lost a lot of its territory in the Middle East including over Israel when it was on the losing side of World War 1 by around 1917.)

Erdogan's conversion of the Hagia Sophia into a functioning mosque is a terrible and remarkable event from the perspective of myself or other Bible believing Christians. However to be objective from a Bible prophecy perspective what could be an even more remarkable and also terrible event or attempt is if Turkish President Erdogan makes a concerted attempt to take over the Temple Mount or Al Aqsa mosque and perhaps other parts of the Old City of Jerusalem fully for Islam under Turkey and to remove Israeli authority from there. This is what President Erdogan announced as his intention for his next move when he officially announced the transformation of the Hagia Sophia from a museum into a functioning Islamic mosque. He said on that occasion earlier this month (July 2020): he wanted himself and Turkey to "liberate Al-Aqsa mosque" from Israel after "resurrecting Hagia Sophia (divine wisdom)" as a mosque on July 10, 2020. Mr. Erdogan, and I believe some of the leadership of his Islamic Fundamendalist party, has a background in the Egypt based Islamist or Islamic Fundamentalist organization The Muslim Brotherhood. He has already done other things consistent with an Islamist agenda such as jailing a huge number of Turkish or foreign reporters calling Turkish human rights campaigners "terrorists". Turkey's president Erdogan has also conducted an invasion of northern Syria in a region held by Kurds and taking it under Turkish control and he is currently supporting one of the main Islamic factions battling in Libya in North Africa. He also has become increasingly critical of Israel and openly supports the Palestinian terrorist group Hamas, that is also a spin-off of the Egypt based Muslim Brotherhood. Mr. Erdogan supports Hamas including probably financially and continue to give them safe haven in Turkey as a base from which to attack Israel. Turkey has also in the last couple years set up an office in the Old City of Jerusalem, I think not too far from the Temple Mount, to promote the history of Jerusalem and Israel when it was under the control of the Ottoman Empire from about 1517 to 1917 or about 400 years. Some of the current walls of the Old City of Jerusalem were built under the Ottoman Empire. An exception to the walls of the Old City of Jerusalem that were built during the Ottoman Empire is the Western Wall of the Temple Mount that is a retaing wall of Solomon's Temple that was built around 1000 BC. However the Temple Mount was the site of Solomon's Temple from around 1000 to 600 BC and of the second or Zerubbabel-Herod's Temple from about 530 BC to 70 AD or about 600 years. These periods of time in which the Temple Mount (now Al-Aqsa mosque) was under Jewish or Israelite control and construction or maintenance were well before it became a Muslim holy site with the building of the gold topped Dome of the Rock and silver topped Al Aqsa mosque by the Muslims in around 680 to 700 AD after the death of the Islamic founder Mohammed. These Muslim mosques were built in Jerusalem well before the founding of the Ottoman Empire around 1453 AD. Turkish President Erdogan is also supporting the Palestinian Arab terrorist group Hamas in their efforts to take more control for Islam and remove Israeli or Jewish control of the Temple Mount on an ongoing basis including through a recently established or attempted established additional Islamic mosque on the Temple Mount. This new contentious and illegal Moslem mosque is near the Mercy Gate, Golden Gate or East Gate near the edge of The Temple Mount facing the Mount of Olives to the east of the Old City of Jerusalem across the Kidron Valley.

From a literal Bible prophecy perspective, this next goal of Turkish President Erdogan to obtain fuller Islamic control and remove Israeli or Jewish control of the Temple Mount (Al Aqsa or sometimes called by the Muslims Haram Al-Sharif or the Noble Sanctuary) relates directly to the next major Bible prophecy event on Earth. This next major Bible prophecy event on earth is the agreement, immediately after the rapture or catching up to heaven of all the true Church or all true Christians. All true Christians are all those who have personally trusted in the true God (Yahweh or Jehovah) through trusting in His co-devine Son Jesus Christ as our personal Lord and Saviour. This next major Bible prophecy event on earth after the soon coming rapture of the true Church is the false peace of the Antichrist with Israel and other nations. This false peace is mentioned in Daniel 9:27 as the beginning of the last or 70th of the 70 weeks of seven years each that Israel or the Jewish people will be under control of the Gentile or non-Jewish nations. This time period of the Times of the Gentiles began in some sense since Israel especially the southern Israel part of Judah lost their Davidic monarchy and kingdom when they were defeated by the Babylonians under Nebuchadnezzar from around 606 to 586 BC. In a more definite Bible sense the Times of the Gentiles, especially the 70 weeks of Daniel associated with them began when the Jews rebuilt the walls of Jerusalem around the year 445 BC with the authorization of the Persian King Artaxerxes. This time period of the Times of the Gentiles in which Israel (God's chosen earthly people) is under Gentile (non-Jewish) control will last until they are fully restored in their land as the chief nation on earth when they come to be directly ruled from Jerusalem by the Lord Jesus Christ (Messiah). Jesus (Y'Shua) will come to rule Israel and the world when he comes as the King of the Jews or of Israel as well as King of kings after His Second Coming from heaven at the end of the 7 year tribulation. Jesus at the end of the tribulation will also defeat the Satanic Antichrist or Beast out of the sea or he who causes abomination and the rest of the ungodly and anti-Christ world system or new world order. At Jesus' Second Coming in glory as the glorious Messiah He will set up the Messianic Kingdom or Millennial Kingdom focused on restored Israel but also with substantial parts of the authority of the world under Jesus and God the Father given to the true Church and the saved of the nations. But currently Turkish president Erdogan's power quest for the fuller Islamization and removal of Jewish influence on The Temple Mount will likely end up being part of the Gentiles or non-Jewish nations that Israel will have to share the outer court of the tribulation temple. This sharing of the tribulation temple will be during the 1st half 42 months or 3 1/2 years of the tribulation according to Revelation 11:1-2. The announcement by the Antichrist that he has achieved or confirmed a Middle East and perhaps a world peace agreement between Israel and her Muslim neighbours perhaps including Turkey will begin the official rule and revelation of the Antichrist's or the man of sin's or the abomination of desolation's 7 year rule on earth. The Antichrist will be Satan the devil's counterfeit for God's annointed one Jesus Christ the Messiah. The Antichrist's rule on earth will be during the tribulation period between the end of this present Church Age with the rapture of the Church and the beginning of the Messianic Kingdom with the Second Coming of the Lord Jesus Christ from heaven to earth. At the Second Coming to earth from heaven Jesus will come with His true Church, some Old Testament saints, the glory of God the Father (the power or Ancient of Days) and many holy angels as in Zechariah 14, Revelation 19-20, or the consummation in Daniel 9:27 etc. In view of the likely indication that this could be sooner, with the tension raised further in the competition for the Temple Mount between Israel as God's chosen earthly people and the Gentiles partly represented by Turkey and Mr. Erdogan, I would encourage the reader to trust in God's Son the Lord Jesus Christ. I would encourage the reader if you haven't already done so to as soon as possible trust in the Lord Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Saviour who died on the cross for all our sins and rose from the dead to give us eternal life. If you have trusted or soon trust in Jesus as your personal Lord and Saviour this will enable you to be a spiritually and eternally restored child of God so you can avoid going through the tribulation or ultimately into hell or the lake of fire. Those of us who have trusted in Jesus from the heart before the rapture of the Church and the following tribulation will instead go to our eternal heavenly home starting with participating in the pre-tribulation rapture or catching up to heaven of the whole true Church or all true Christians. (We are all sinners including being selfish by nature as well as practice and separated from our Creator God. We all need to trust in the Lord Jesus Christ because we inherit this sinful nature or tendency in our heart from our first parents Adam and Eve after they received the sinful including selfish inclination when they disobeyed God and his word and listened to the devil through the serpent or snake and took of the fruit of the knowledge of good and evil.)

July 2020 American Jewish Collective Group Criticizes Turkish President Erdogan for Threatening to Liberate or More Islamize Al-Aqsa or the Temple Mount in Jerusalem

The group of major American Jewish organizations called The Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations in July condemned the speech by Turkish President Recep Tayyip Edrogan to "liberate Al-Aqsa" after he announced his decision to turn the major Istanbul former religious structure Hagia Sophia from a museum to a working Islamic mosque. This umbrella or collective organization of 53 American Jewish organizations said of Erdogan's threat against Al-Aqsa: "We are appalled by the incendiary and offensive statement made by by Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan ... implying that he seeks to take control of the holy sites in Jerusalem's Old City, which is home to the Al-Aqsa mosque,". After the announcement by Turkish leader Erdogan to turn the Hagia Sophia into a mosque he stated his intention to soon after try to turn the Al-Aqsa mosque and possibly the surrounding Old City of Jerusalem into a more fully Islamic site as follows: "the resurrection of Hagia Sophia was the harbinger of the liberation of the Al-Aqsa Mosque, and footsteops of Muslims' will to leave hard days behind." The American Jewish Conference of Presidents said: "This outrageous rhetoric regarding the Al-Aqsa Mosque can and has incited violence against Israel and its citizens - and will add to tensions in the region. We condemn it strongly and urge President Edrogan to recant his inflammatory words and actions."

July 2020 Jerusalem Temple Police Submit Petition to Israeli Supreme Court to Remove Muslim Waqf from Temple Mount and Close Illegal Muslim Mosque Near Mercy Gate on Temple Mount

According to an article with title: "Jerusalem: Police Move to Kick Jordanian Waqf Off Temple Mount" on Breaking Israel News at on July 8, 2020 the author stated that Jerusalem police investigators evidence to the Jerusalem Magistrate's Court (possibly the Israeli Supreme Court). This petition to the Jerusalem Court was was given because of actions of the Muslim Jerusalem including Temple Mount Waqf associated with and supporting the Muslim terrorist group Hamas. In this Jerusalem police submission to the Jerusalem court it was noted that keeping (I believe the Hamas) organization office open at this location near the Mercy Gate, Golden Gate or East Gate on the Temple Mount could entrench and promote Hamas' actions in Jerusalem in general. The Mercy Gate is called in Hebrew Sha'ar Harachamim or in Arabic Bab al-Rahma. The area in question where the Muslims have set up an illegal mosque associated with Hamas is at the base of stairs by this gate on the Temple Mount. This area has a long history of controversy and conflict between Israel and Hamas or Hamas associated Muslim terrorists. The Jerusalem Temple police installed a temporary gate at the top of the stairs leading down to the location of the illegal Moslem mosque and meeting hall in 2003, 17 years ago, by court order I believe of the Israeli Suprme Court. This was because this location was being used by a Hamas associated terrorist organization. In response to this action of the Jerusalem Temple police to close this location some Arabs rioted last year 2019 during the Muslim holy month of Ramadan and broke into this hall. The Israeli supreme court then ordered the Muslim Temple Mount Waqf to close this location but the Waqf resisted. Apparently Prime Minister Netanyahu then instructed the Israeli Temple Mount police to close the location but this order wasn't ever followed through. This site near the Mercy Gate is still being used as a mosque. In this petition by the Temple Mount police to the Jerusalem court the police claimed that: "restricting the use of the site is necessary as there is solid administrative evidence that it will be used for Hamas activity and as a strong point for the terrorist organization on the Temple Mount. As per the current situation, the removal of the restriction order could allow Hamas to establish and promote their activities in Jerusalem in general and on the Temple Mount in particular." In June 2020 last month the Jerusalem Police delivered a rare five-month ban from the Temple Mount area to an Islamic Waqf guard who praised leading terrorist Ramadan Shalah (the former leader of the Palestinian Arab Islamic terrorist group Islamic Jihad from 1995 to 2018 according to Wikipedia) on the Waqf's radio system on the Temple Mount. Also last month in June 2020 the increasingly Muslim militant nation of Turkey led by Islamic fundamentalist leader Recep Tayyip Erdogan opened an Islamic centre close to the Temple Mount probably still in the Old City of Jerusalem. Turkey or its leadership under their President Erdogan has association with Hamas through mutual association with the Islamic fundamentalist group The Muslim Brotherhood and Turkey allows members of the terrorist group Hamas to stay in their nation as a safe haven.

July 2020 Response to Israeli Jerusalem Court Decision by Temple Mount Police to Order the Closure of the Illegal Moslem Mosque near the Temple Mount Mercy Gate or Golden Gate or East Gate by the Muslim Temple Mount Waqf Authority and Other Leading Muslim Jerusalem Authorities

In an article on July 20, 2020 in Israel National News with title "Al-Aqsa is not subject to Israeli law"and with link there was reported the response of the Waqf, the main Islamic organization responsible for the management of the Temple Mount, to the Israeli court decision to order the closure of the illegal Mercy Gate Muslim mosque on the Temple Mount. Mr. Azzam Al-Khatib, who is the leader of the Jerusalem Waqf Department, said on July 19 that his division of the Waqf is responsible for the Al-Aqsa mosque (the Temple Mount). He further stated that he and his division of the Waqf doesn't view itself under the authority of Israeli authorities (including Israeli Temple police or government) or its courts. Mr. Al-Khatib elaborated on his statement by then saying his Jerusalem department of the Waqf instead views itself as accountable instead to the Jordanian Ministry of Endowments (Waqf). This report by Mr. Al-Khatib was originally given to the Islamic terrorist group Hamas' Felesteen newspaper. In that report Mr. Al-Khatib said there that the whole area of Al-Aqsa mosque (the Temple Mount) isn't subject to Israeli laws, including the (Muslim) house of prayer (or mosque) at the Golden or Mercy Gate. The Jerusalem Waqf director Mr. Al-Khatib concluded the report by saying that that house of prayer remains open and the very presence of the "occupation (the Israeli part of management or authority over the Temple Mount (Al-Aqsa mosque)" there is the real threat. There were similiar defiant responses by leading Muslim authories in Jerusalem, both by a leading Jerusalem Muslim leader Sheikh Akrameh Tsabari, leader of the Supreme Muslim Council (in Jerusalem) and by the Islamic terrorist organization Hamas to the Israeli Jerusalem court order. This Israeli court order was to close the illegal Muslim mosque at the Mercy Gate, Golden Gate or East Gate. These reports were both dated July 14, 2020 and were respectively from the following sources: one article was with title "Following Court Ruling, Senior Muslim Cleric Calls for "Defence" of Temple Mount" by Baruch Yedid on the Jewish Press at link and the other article was with title "Hamas: 'Attacking al-Aqsa will ignite war'" by Dalit HaLevy at Israel National News with link It will be interesting to see now what the Israeli authorities, the Israeli government, supreme court or Jerusalem police including Temple police do in response to the Muslim defiance and intransigence to the Israeli court order that agreed with the Israeli Temple Mount police petition to close the illegal Muslim mosque on the Temple Mount (that the Muslims call Haram al-Sharif or the Al-Aqsa mosque) that is near the Temple Mount Golden, Mercy or East Gate. I believe this is one major area of dispute between the Jewish Israeli authorities and the Gentile (non-Jewish) especially Arab or other Muslim authorities over control of the Temple Mount that will lead very soon to the false peace by the soon to be revealed Satanic world ruler the Antichrist or Beast out of the Sea as in Daniel 9:27. I believe the false peace mentioned in Daniel 9:27 will involve especially the Antichrist giving Israel or the Jewish people primary authority over the Temple Mount including permission to build their next (3rd) Jewish Temple there. The Antichrist will later take over as a world worship centre to himself as God. This false peace of the Antichrist will also be the occasion of the revelation of the Antichrist as world ruler at the beginning of the 7 year tribulation or 70th week of Daniel and time of God's wrath on earth starting immediately after the rapture or catching up to heaven with Jesus of the true Church or all true born again Christians. I would therefore urge the reader if you haven't already done so to trust in the Lord Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Saviour. This trusting in the Lord Jesus Christ is to trust Him as the One who died for our sins and rose again from the dead to enable us to have God's eternal life and be part of His restored children with a home in heaven. This trusting in the Lord Jesus Christ as One's personal Lord and Saviour as soon as possible is important so you can avoid being left behind on earth during the tribulation under Antichrist and God's plagues of judgment and risk a Christless eternity in hell and the lake of fire that all we as humans who have sinned and come short of God's standard for our lives deserve.

December 2019 Personal Discovery that the Levitical Choir Has Been Quite Active Including Presentations in Israel Between 2016 and 2019

As might be suggested by some of my previous posts about progress in developing the Levitical choir, up to recently I was somewhat wondering why there had not been more progress in the Levitical choir between 2016 and in October 2019 earlier this year as of the time of writing. I had seen some pictures of some of the Levitical choir in Israel, perhaps near Jerusalem, in matching coloured robes for a musical presentation around June 2016. I believe I saw these pictures on the Facebook account of The Temple Institute. I was glad to see a much more extensive musical presentation by members of the Levitical choir during the 2019 Feast of Tabernacles in October this year as described below but that still left me uncertain why I hadn't heard more about them and their activities in the intervening time. In one of the articles in the Israeli media about the recent performance near the Temple Mount of more extensive number of participants of the Levitical choir one article mentioned they are trained at a place called Mizmor Music School in Israel. I then went to the Mizmor Music School web site and later on to the Mizmor Music School Facebook account. In their Facebook account I found an announcement dated October 12th for a presentation during Feast of Tabernacles near the Temple Mount this year. This was the same presentation I saw after the presentation in pictures and short video on the Israel National News web site and the Facebook account of The Temple Institute.

In one of the comments or responses to that presentation announcment there was a video one could click on which I did and which I would encourage the reader to click on. When that video is clicked on it opens up to a several minute video of a practice session of some members of the Levitical choir led by a conductor in a music studio at Mizmor Music School. However there was much more than that. This video of a practice session of the Levitical choir on the video sharing web site Youtube turned out to have many more videos of the Levitical choir. In fact, this web site seems to be their Youtube account. The title is in Hebrew but by God's grace I was able to confirm that it was about the Levitical choir by comparing the name Levites in Numbers 8 with the Hebrew characters for the Hebrew way to say Levites which is Leviim in a bilingual Hebrew-English Old Testament or Hebrew scriptures or what the Jews call the Tanach I have. These other videos in the Youtube account of the Levitical choir are all made between 2016 and 2019 in each of those years. They are all produced by Teta Productions which I then found is a musical production company based in Tel Aviv.

There are almost always about 5 of the Levitical choir singers in these productions and they sing very well and the singing is all in Hebrew from the ones I have listened to so far. These videos are all made somewhere in Israel whether it is around the Temple Mount in Jerusalem, on a beach on the Mediterranean or in the Negev or Judaean Desert or Wilderness. In these videos these members of the Levitical choir always wear matching clothes whether it is western style formal suits or suit jackets in some cases white instead of black or in some cases biblical era robes sometimes black with white prayer headdresses and sometimes they have the name Levites embroidered in the back of their jackets or robes. Some of their musical presentations are quite solemn and majestic focused on giving glory to God and some others are more merry and light-hearted but still giving glory to God also at Jewish weddings in Israel. So, this collection of about half a dozen to a dozen musical presentations of the Levitical choir does show me what they have been doing between 2016 and 2019 and I believe also what they are doing going forward from this point at the end of 2019. An alternate way to access their Youtube account than going through the October video in the Mizmor Music School Facebook account is to go into Youtube and then do a search there with the search terms Teta Productions Levitical Choir in English. I have used this several times and it does consistently succeed in going to their Youtube account with several of their videos. However there are also some videos that come up then that are not produced by them but most of these other videos are not the first ones that come up at the top of the search.

As a result of this discovery, by God's grace, I now feel (contrary to how I felt up to recently) that God is continuing to give good progress in developing the Levitical choir in preparation for His using them to give the musical worship to Him in the soon to be rebuilt Third Jewish Temple on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem and that this area of Bible prophecy no longer needs to seen as an area of prophecy that is lagging behind or is any reason why God hasn't yet taken His true Church to heaven at the rapture and started the full restoration of His chosen earthly people Israel to Himself after the rapture of the Church. However there is still one significant thing lacking in all these videos of the Levitical choir that I believe still needs to be fulfilled. This is that they need to use biblical musical instruments used before by the Levitical choir such as harps, 10 stringed lyres and cymbals instead of guitars and other modern western musical instruments they are using in their presentation now and they probably will have to wear white linen robes instead of western style business suits or jackets or other coloured robes to be more authentic and consistent with what God's word the Holy Bible instructs for them to wear or have as musical instruments to play on when performing worship music to God there in a rebuilt Jewish temple. This is true for their performing musical worship to God in the first half of the tribulation in the tribulation temple as in Daniel 9:27 and Revelation 11:1-2 or in the Millennial or Messianic Kingdom Temple as in Ezekiel 43-46.

In view of ongoing significant developments also in this area of Bible prophecy I would then encourage the reader to, if you haven't already done so, to trust in the Lord Jesus Christ (in Hebrew Adonai Y'Shua HaMashiach) as your personal Lord and Saviour as soon as possible. By in this way trusting in Jesus that He died on the cross for your sins and to rise from the dead to give us eternal life and to enable us to be spiritually and eternally restored children of God and to become part of His true Church and Kingdom with an eternal home in heaven you can also be assured you will be taken with the rest of the true Church at the very soon coming rapture or catching up of the true Church before the terrible 7 year tribulation or 70th week of Daniel. This 70th week of Daniel is mentioned in Daniel 9:27 and will start with a false Middle East peace treaty (covenant) by the Antichrist with Israel and other nations to enable Israel or the Jews to build their next Jewish Temple on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem. However at the midpoint of the tribulation the Antichrist or he who causes abomination will forcibly take over that temple from the Jews or Israelites and start to severely persecute them and will then use that temple including its holy of holies as his throne to force people on earth to worship him as God (or be killed or go into hiding) on a worldwide basis.

In this 7 year tribulation the events of Revelation chapters 6 to 18 and Matthew 24:15-31 will also take place as well as 2 Thessalonians 2:2-12 and many Old Testament prophetic scriptures. If you trust in Jesus as your personal Lord and Saviour now or before the very soon coming tribulation you can not only have eternal life and take part in the rapture of the Church (God's spiritual or heavenly people) you can also be assured you will join the rest of the true Church to come from heaven with Jesus at His second coming to establish His visible Kingdom over all the earth when God the Father through Jesus judges the world as in Revelation 19. (The true Church or true Christians from this age are those that follow Jesus also in white linen on other horses from heaven in that scripture passage in Revelation 19.) When the true Church comes with Jesus when He sets up God's Millennial or Messianic Kingdom over all the earth we as born again or evangelical Christians can then look forward to exercising some of our rewards from faithful service to God the Father and His Son Jesus Christ in this age after we are saved through faith in Jesus before living and to some extent reigning with Jesus in the New Jerusalem, New Earth and New Heavens. In the Millennial Kingdom of Jesus the true Church will reign with the restored to God of Israel that will be concentrated in the land of Israel including then rebuilt Jerusalem where Jesus' throne on earth will be in the holy of holies of the Millennial or Messianic Kingdom Temple holy of holies as in Ezekiel 43-46 and Zechariah 14, 6:9-15, Psalm 24, 72, 89, 45, Isaiah 2:1-4 etc.

October 2019 Israeli Levites Gather on Southern Steps of Temple Mount in Jerusalem to Sing Together to the LORD at the Feast of Tabernacles 2019 as Sign of Imminent Covenant Between the Antichrist or False Messiah and Israel to Build the Tribulation Temple in Jerusalem

During the Feast of Tabernacles 2019 I saw an article with pictures and a short video I don't think I have seen before, including at the Feast of Tabernacles or other important Jewish feasts in other recent years. This event involved a choir of about 200 Levites on most of the 15 steps just outside the south end of the Temple Mount in Jerusalem. This is near some gates from at least the time of Herod's Temple 2,000 years ago called Huldah's Gate. All these Levites, which is the most I have seen together at once, especially for an event directly linked with preparations for building the Jewish Temple in Jerusalem again. However this estimate of about 200 men included some adolescent boys who are likely also of Levitical background. They are likely being trained to become part of the Levitical choir when they are of sufficient age such as around 20 years old. The article I saw these pictures and video from the Israel National News web site dated October 17, 2019 with title Watch: Levites sing at the foot of the Temple Mount at web address: As I have mentioned elsewhere on this web site, there seemed to be quite a lot of progress and support for restoring the Levitical priests. This restoration is for service in the soon rebuild Third Temple in Jerusalem on the Temple Mount but not very much with the regular Levites. So far, to be honest, I have not found any other reports of this meeting of many Levites at the Feast of Tabernacles near the Temple Mount in Jerusalem. Several days later I did find another report of this event. It was/is on the Temple Institute Facebook account. In that article, which is mostly a text rather than photographic article, they report that the organization that seems to be instrumental in training the Levites for the Levitical choir is the Mizmor Music School that is located in Israel between Jerusalem and Tel Aviv and has a focus of music training for observant Jews or Jews who are more devoted to the Torah (Five books of Moses), rest of the Tanahk (Old Testament) and perhaps other Jewish books such as the Talmud, Mishnah and Midrash. This meeting was during the Feast of Tabernacles this year even though I continue to search the internet diligently for such additional reports. However I am sure the source of this report, Israel National News or Aretz Sheva or Channel 7 News in Israel, included all the clear pictures in the article indicate this event did happen as described. Almost all the men (and boys) in the Levitical singing choir wore white shirts and mostly white kippas, yarmakas or skull caps and in most of the pictures they were singing from identical copies of sheet music. I found that while the Jewish Temples were standing in Jerusalem, at least Herod's Temple and possibly the earlier part of the 2nd temple Zerubbabel's Temple or the 1st Temple Solomon's Temple, there were some featured part of the celebrations. One of the features of these celebrations at the 3 main Jewish Feast of the year were for the Levitical choir to sing the 15 songs of degrees (or ascents) on the 15 steps of the Temple. These psalms were Psalms 120 to 134. Of course one of these feasts was the Feast of Tabernacles. I have seen some more activity of Levites including some Levites to form the basis of the Levitical choir recently including some I believe the Temple Institute said on their Facebook account at one of the Jewish holidays were Levitical musicians at a musical performance near the Temple Mount in Jerusalem. However that event only included about a dozen Levitical musicians and they were mostly playing western musical instruments such as guitars or keyboards and didn't include many Levitical singers. In many of the pictures of this most recent musical performance of the Levitical choir there was clearly joy to the LORD in the faces of many of the Levitical singers praising the LORD. They were praising the LORD on the steps of the Temple Mount the site of the former Jewish Temples in Jerusalem. The Jerusalem Temple Mount is where the Jews or Israelites and God's word the Holy Bible such as in Daniel 9:27 and Revelation 11:1-2 says will be the location of the soon to be rebuilt Jewish Temple there as well. At this latest Levitical choir singing presentation, as can also be seen from the pictures in this article, there were several Levitical priests participating in some of the music dressed in white linen robes as specified for them in Exodus 28 and 39 and blowing silver trumpets. These trumpets were sometimes blown at feast of Israel as mentioned in Numbers 10 of which the Feast of Tabernacles is one such feast. On some of the top steps of the south entrance to the Temple Mount there were also probably some Levitical musicians with a keyboard and large harp and perhaps other musical instruments as can also be seen in some of the pictures of this article. Those Levites were also wearing white linen robes. In some of the pictures there can be seen an older man who is conducting the choir near the top of the steps. This conductor could be a Mr. Mehta who is a Indian man who is very well reputed in Israel but who apparently had conducted many orchestras especially in Israel. Mr Mehta was very supportive of Israel but was on the verge of retirement according to another recent article in Israel National News this October. I am not sure of this last point but pictures of the man leading the Levitical choir in October 2019 and a recent picture of Mr. Mehta in the other Israel National News look like a very similiar or perhaps same man. Lastly there were also very apparently small flood or search lights at either side of the Levitical choir singers on some of the stairs at the south end of the Temple Mount. These lights gave the appearance of the glory of God radiating from this choir while praising the true Creator and Redeemer God the God of the Bible.

In view of all this important development in restoring the Levitical choir, including in connection with the Temple Mount the site of the soon to be rebuilt Jewish Temple we need to take heed of these signs of the shortness of the times. These as well as other events at this Feast of Tabernacles such as a very well attended priestly blessing by Jewish priests of general Israelites at the Western Wall Plaza and a modern Israel record of Jews going up to the top of the Temple Mount during each of the days of the Feast of Tabernacles. There was also a well attended procession led by Jewish priests with water drawn from the Pool of Siloam to the Temple Mount during the Feast of Tabernacles this year I would encourage the reader to take these Bible prophecy events very seriously. In view of the above, as well as other recent, important Bible prophecy developments in Jerusalem, Israel or elsewhere in the world I would urge the reader to understand these events are not just occuring randomnly but they are very consistent with what God's word the Holy Bible says will occur for the last days. In particular these and other events are leading to the restoration of Israel including the rebuilding of the 3rd Jewish Temple on the Temple Mount there and one world government, economy and religion and military or entertainment etc. under Satan's men to rule the world in the tribulation. These men will be the Antichrist or the Beast out of the Sea and the False Prophet or Beast out of the Land as mentioned for instance in Revelation 13, 17 and 2 Thessalonians 2 and Matthew 24:15 and he that causes abomination of Daniel 9:27 and the little horn of Daniel 7. People left behind after the rapture of the Church to endure the worldwide tyranny of Satan the devil and his annointed leaders the Antichrist or Beast out of the Sea and the False Prophet and to avoid God's plagues during the same 7 year tribulation or 70th week of Daniel period or time of God's wrath. I would urge the reader, if you haven't already done so, to trust in the Lord Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Saviour as soon as possible so you can be taken to heaven with the true Church and Jesus and not be left behind on earth for the tribulation. To trust in the Lord Jesus Christ we need to admit we are a sinner according to God's definition of sin and humble ourselves from our pride and self sufficiency. We also need to trust in the true God the God of the Bible and the Creator God through and including His Son Jesus Christ and Jesus' death on the cross for our sins. We need to also trust in Jesus and His resurrection from the dead the third day later so we can evermore have God's resurrection and eternal and sinless life through Jesus and a restored relationship with God and forgiveness of all of our sins and an assured also physical home in heaven forever with God, Jesus and the rest of His saved or restored people of all nations. If we trust in Jesus before the tribulation we can also be taken at the pre-tribulation rapture of the Church to heaven with Jesus as in 1 Thessalonians 4, 1 Corinthians 15 and John 14 or Philippians 3:20-21. We will then come with Jesus from heaven at the end of the tribulation to rule the earth with Him and God the FAther in the Millennial or Messianic Kingdom and then the eternal one as in Revelation 19-22. We can also then be assured we will never anymore be at risk of going to hell or the lake of fire as punishment for our sins if we trust in Jesus as our personal Lord in Saviour like we deserve. This is since even in the New Testament God is holy or righteous as well as loving, gracious and merciful and without salvation in Jesus God still sees us in our sins and not acceptable in His sight. This condemnation by God of us in and of ourselves is instead of seeing us in His Son Jesus Christ with our sins paid for and us made righteous through God's Son the Lord Jesus Christ once we also with our heart trust in Jesus as our personal Lord and SAviour.

August 2019 Israeli Authorities Reverse Ban on Jewish Pilgrims to Temple Mount on 9th of Av That This Year Was During Muslim Holiday of Eid Al Fatr and Bible Prophecy Significance

As was relatively widely reported, including on some Canadian and other world media more than usual, there was significant unrest on The Temple Mount in Jerusalem at the Jewish observance of the 9th of Av. The 9th of Av is other than Yom Kippur, where the Jewish people or Israelites remember their sins before God from the following year and seek His help to live for Him in the following year, the most solemn day on the Jewish or Israelite calendar. This is because it is believed by the Jewish people or Israelites and there seems to be good basis for it both within and outside biblical historical sources that it was on the same day on the Jewish lunar calendar that both the 1st (Solomon's) and the 2nd (Herod's) Temples were destroyed. The first Jewish (Solomon's) Temple was destroyed by the Babylonians around 586 BC as God's instrument of destruction against the Jews of Jerusalem and Judah. This was because they turned away from Him (Yahweh or God the Father especially) as well as God the Son Y'Shua or Jesus and the Spirit of God as part of the Divine Trinity. The people of Judah then also in large part turned to false gods such as the gods of Egypt and the Canaanites or Ammonites etc. that can't save and committed other sins such as violence, covetousness, adultery etc. Also they for the most part didn't pray to the true God for His forgiveness. They generally thought as long as Solomon's Temple was standing they could do what they wanted including in their heart and maybe go through the ritual of participating in the temple worship but not with their heart and God wouldn't judge them. Later God sent the Romans to judge the Israelites and residents of Jerusalem and destroy Jerusalem and the 2nd or Herod's Temple in 70 AD. The second temple and Jerusalem were destroyed by the Romans mostly because God viewed the Jewish leadership and the majority of the members of the nation of Israel as having rejected their Messiah and God's only begotton Son Jesus of Nazareth as their Lord and Messiah.

However God did prophecy through his prophets and His Son Jesus Christ and the apostle's John and Paul that they would again build their temple in Jerusalem on the Temple Mount. First there would be built a temple that would be taken over by the Antichrist in the latter part of the tribulation. After the tribulation there would be built the true Messiah Jesus of Nazareth's Second Coming in glory from heaven to earth the true Millennial or Messianic Kingdom Temple such as mentioned in Ezekiel 40-48 and Zechariah 6 and 14 and Isaiah 2. There is currently developing a growing Messianic fervor among the Jews, especially in Israel, that includes a stronger desire and initiative to visit and pray on the Temple Mount and ultimately to build their next Jewish Temple to worship the LORD or HaShem or the LORD God there.

In recent years, especially with the encouragement of Temple rebuilding activist groups like The Temple Institute, The Temple Mount Faithful and the partly re-established Jewish Sanhedrin or religious supreme court of Israel there is a growing consensus. This consensus is especially among bible believing and more devout to the true God the God of the Bible Jews to also use the holiday of the 9th of Av as an occasion to not just mourn the loss of the previous Jewish Temples on the Temple Mount but rally to make more progress to build the next Jewish Temple on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem. There is also some support by more conservative members of the Israeli Knesset (parliament) and by evangelical Christians worldwide (including this writer) for more Jewish rights on the Temple Mount. This support for Jewish rights on the Temple Mount includes sympathy for them to be able to go up there more consistently and to pray up there to the true God Yahweh or Jehovah the LORD (even in some Hebrew scriptures this includes the whole triune Godhead such as Isaiah 48:16, Psalm 110, 2, Genesis 1, Deuteronomy 6, Isaiah 53 etc.). So, while in previous occasions when there was a Muslim festival at a time when there was an important Jewish observance at the same time as happened again around August 10 and 11th a significant fraction of the Jews didn't just give up the Temple Mount to let the Muslims only have access to the Temple Mount at such a time. At first Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu seemed willing to just let the Muslims observe their holiday of Eid al Fatr which seems to mean about the Holiday or Feast of Sacrifice.

The Muslims heard in advance that this could be the case and there were a couple tens of thousands who had ascended The Temple Mount by early on the morning of Sunday, August 11, 2019 which was the main day of the Jewish 9th of Av but also one of the days of the Muslim holiday of Eid al Fatr. These Muslims not accurately view the entire Temple Mount as a Muslim mosque that only Muslims and not Jews etc. should have access to. They generally don't accept the Bible as well as abundant secular history that testifies of the long history of the Temple Mount as the holiest site in Judaism as the site of Solomon's and the second temple Zerubabbel's then Herod's reworking of that 2nd Jewish temple. Due to the pressure and better organization of the Jewish Temple activist groups later on that past years the morning of this year's 9th of Av the Jews did get permission from Benjamin Netanyahu and the Jerusalem police chief Doron Yedid and Israel Interior Minister Gilad Erdan to go up in small groups to the Temple Mount. Some of the Jews, including some who had been waiting at the entrance of the Temple Mount, then went up and altogether about 1700 Jews went up this year to the Temple Mount on the 9th of Av.

However there then developed intensified violence by a significant fraction of the Muslims on the Temple Mount such as verbal violence to the Jews and the Muslim Allah chant where they say in Arabic God is great but they also did physical violence such as throwing chairs and probably other objects like stones or maybe shoes at some members of the Temple Mount police. These Muslim non-peaceful demonstrators probably would have attacked the Jewish pilgrims who went up to the Temple Mount if they had opportunity. However they were only allowed to go up on a separate part of the Temple Mount and return by a separate access way than one of the access ways to the Temple Mount the Muslims use. Most of the Jews who went up to the Temple Mount were happy to more quietly worship the true God the Creator God, the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob (Israel). Additionally we as Christians including Messianic Jews believe God came in human form to earth in the 2nd Person of the Godhead in the form of a man in Jesus of Nazareth to be the Messiah of Israel and the Saviour of the people of the world. Some of the Jews did try to pray or sing some praises to God on the Temple Mount or heard a rabbi or other speaker give an message about their association to the Jewish temples of God on the Temple Mount. These praises to God and messages based on the Bible were concerning Jewish association with Jewish temples on the Temple Mount before and perhaps something about a future one there. There was some smoke or tear gas and I think rubber bullets at the Muslim rioters fired by the Temple Mount police to keep the the more aggressive Muslims back especially from attacking the Jewish pilgrims that went up there at the same time. There were some Muslim demonstrators and some of the Temple Mount police who were injured in these protests. These protests and some of the violence that led to the injuries were also covered by some Israeli and international news media and probably some media of Islamic nations. Some of the Israeli and international news media I heard coverage from mentioned the management of this situation with these competing Jewish and Muslim holidays in which both Jews and Muslims wanted to celebrate was judged a success by Israeli authorities. The management of this situation was judged a success by Israeli authorities because there were no deaths or more serious injuries suffered from any of the parties despite the strong disagreement by some parties.

I believe there is more determination of some of the Jewish Temple activists to insist on being allowed to observe their relevant holidays at least partly on the Temple Mount even when it conflicts with a simultaneous Muslim holiday including in Israel. I believe this contributed to more success for Jews to go up to the Temple Mount. I believe the achievement of more Jews able to go up to the Temple Mount even in times of competing Jewish and Muslim holidays is also due to more widespread public and official support for their position. I believe this is a significant sign that we are quickly approaching the end of this current Church Age or Dispensation and the following rapture or catching up to heaven of the true Church. The true Church is composed of people of all nations who become true Christians who trust in Jesus alone for salvation and then the tribulation when God will focus more on restoring His chosen earthly people Israel to Himself. However God will also save other Gentile or non-Jewish people in the tribulation or 70th week of Daniel. However the tribulation and salvation of people then will be more in the time of God's severity with the many judgments on earth and the people there mentioned in the Book of Revelation and other parts of the Bible. In the tribulation or 70th week of Daniel there will also be the judgment of God allowing Satan substantial worldwide control through his man the Antichrist or Beast out of the Sea or Man of Sin or Little Horn for a short time. After the 7 year tribulation God will come especially in the Divine Person of God the Son and the Son of God and Messiah of Israel Jesus of Nazareth. God through Jesus will then defeat the Antichrist and the world system under him and the devil and demons. At Jesus Second Coming in glory at the end of the tribulation God through His Son Jesus Christ will also then defeat all those people who haven't yet by then trusted in the Lord Jesus Christ. Again trusting in Jesus Christ means to trust in Jesus who died for our sins on the cross and rose from the dead to give us new eternal life. After Jesus' Second Coming God through Jesus will then fully establish His visible rule and kingdom over all the earth through restored Israel. The restored to God through Jesus and the true Church will also share in the glory, joy and rewards in God's Millennial or Messianic and then eternal Kingdoms on this then restored earth and afterwards New Earth and New Heavens and New Jerusalem.

May 2019 Dispute Regarding Overlapping Israeli Jerusalem Day 6 Day Way Victory Celebration Holiday and Muslim Holy Month of Ramadan Holiday Times Cause Uncertainty Over Israel Allowing Jews to Ascend Up to Temple Mount on Jerusalem Day

According to a report "High Court to review decision to close Temple Mount on Jerusalem Day" on May 14, 2019 on the Israel Hayom web site the High or Supreme Court of Israel was scheduled to make a decision on Thursday, May 16, 2019 on whether Jews or Israelites would be allowed to enter the Temple Mount in this year of 2019 on Jerusalem Day. The problem this year that is causing the uncertainty about allowing Jews up to the Temple Mount on Jerusalem Day which was on June 2, 2019 is that Jerusalem Day is at the same time as the last days of the Islamic holy month of Ramadan this year that ends on June 3rd or 4th and which month started on May 5 just after the May new moon. The Jerusalem police usually in different years close the Temple Mount to all Jews or other non-Muslims in the last days of Ramadan. However there is an extra complication when the last days of Ramadan occurs at the same time as the Jewish celebration of Jerusalem Day to mark the day according to the Jewish lunar calendar when Israel was successful in taking the Old City of Jeruselem including the Temple Mount in the 1967 Six Day War from the Arabs with that part of Jerusalem from 1948 to 1967 ruled by the nation of Jordan. The last time there was a conflict between the time of Jerusalem Day and the last days of Ramadan apparently was in 1988 about 30 years ago according to a report: "Jews Allowed Into Temple Mount on Jerusalem Day: Palestinian and Police Clash" from the Israeli web site Times of Israel and posted on the Temple Institute facebook account on June 2. At that time Israel closed the Temple Mount to Jews and other non-Muslims on Jerusalem Day.

The state of Israel led by the Israeli Prime Minister, currently Benjamin Netanyahu, had apparently been stating that the Temple Mount should be closed to Jews on Jerusalem Day in this year of 2019 because it occured at the same time as the last days of Ramadan. The state of Israel request to close the Temple Mount to Jewish pilgrims to the Temple Mount celebrating Jerusalem Day probably stated a concern the many Muslims up on the Temple Mount for Ramadan would get violent or riot if Jews were allowed to ascent the Temple Mount at the same time to celebrate the Jerusalem Day Israeli national holiday. It has been common practice for the Israeli authorities to close the Temple Mount to Jews if they think Muslims on the Temple Mount especially for celebration of some Islamic holiday would get violent rather than limiting Muslim presence there although there are times when Israel also limits Muslim access to the Temple Mount when such a situation is expected especially to younger Muslim men. According to the report: "Did police mislead Temple Mount worshippers?" on Israel National News on May 19, 2019 Attorney Aviad Visoli who represented the combined Jewish Israeli temple activist groups and members sent a petition to the Israel Supreme Court to insist the Jerusalem police keep the promise to keep the Temple Mount open to Jews at the usual times through the year. According to the Israel Hayom article this combined temple activist petition was against a statement by Jerusalem police chief Major General Doron Yedid to close the Temple Mount to Jews on Jerusalem Day in 2019 for the first time in 30 years because of its overlap this year with Ramadan. A response by the state of Israel which would be from either the Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu or the vote of the Israeli parliament the Knesset that was submitted to the Israel Supreme Court apparently on May 14 two days before the court hearing of Jewish access to the Temple Mount this year on Jerusalem Day was that the Temple Mount should be closed to Jews throughout Ramadan including on Jerusalem Day. However the day after this submission to the Israel Supreme Court by the state of Israel the Israel Internal Security Minister Gilad Erdan sent a submission to the supreme court in support of access to the Temple Mount for Jewish Temple Mount activists. (The Israel Internal Security Minister is the cabinet minister in the Israeli government directly responsible for security of the Temple Mount but I believe he still has somewhat less authority in this regard than the Prime Minister of Israel.) At this Supreme Court of Israel hearing on May 16th representatives of the Jerusalem police gave a statement saying in part: "everything possible would be done to allow Jews and other religions to go to the Temple Mount as is customary during the year, including Jerusalem Day".

According to the Israel National News article: "Did police mislead Temple Mount worshippers?" after the statement by Jerusalem police to the Israel Supreme Court in favour of allowing Jewish access to the Temple Mount on Jerusalem Day the supreme court decided against the petition for Jewish access to the Temple Mount on Jerusalem Day in 2019 by the combined Jewish Temple Mount activist organizations. According to the article in Times of Israel: "Jews Allowed into Temple Mount on Jerusalem Day: Palestinians and Police Clash" and posted on the Temple Institute facebook account the Israel Supreme Court ruling on May 16th against the temple mount activist petition to allow Jewish access to the Temple Mount on Jerusalem Day also allowed the ultimate decision on whether to allow Jewish or other non-Muslim access to the Temple Mount on Jerusalem Day to the Jerusalem police. Later on May 16th after the supreme court decision according to the Israel National News article some Jews who support maximum Jewish access to the Temple Mount went to the Mugrabi Gate Jewish and non-Muslim access gate to the Temple Mount and found the gate locked. (There are several other gates to the Temple Mount at other parts of the boundary of the Temple Mount that are only allowed for Muslims to use for access to the Temple Mount.) (The Mugrabi Gate to the Temple Mount is just near the plaza before the Western or Wailing Wall of the Temple Mount.) On Monday, May 20th combined temple mount organization attorney Visoli made a statement insisting that Israel Police open the Temple Mount to Jews as usual also for the 2019 Ramadan time especially for Jerusalem Day. Mr. Visoli mentioned in the statement that the Israel Internal Security Minister had instructed and that the Jerusalem police had promised to do this in the supreme court hearing on the 16th. Attorney Visoli then made a statement insisting if the Temple Mount is not open he would immediately appeal on behalf of Jewish temple organizations to enforce the verdict (that the Jerusalem police could still open the Temple Mount during Ramadan especially on Jerusalem Day to Jews if they say fit) with Attorney Visoli saying this appeal would be: "under a contempt of court order, without dela, and without further warning." The Israel Hayom article stated about the supreme court decision of May 16th and how the Jerusalem police might respond to the Jewish Temple Mount activists' desire to go up to the Temple Mount on Jerusalem Day in 2019 with it also being during the final days of Ramadan in 2019 as follows at the end of their article: "The High Court could decide to instruct the police to open the Temple Mount to Jews on June 2, but restrict hours. No matter how it rules, the decision will likely have ramifications for years to come."

June 2019 Events on Jerusalem Day (and One of the Final Days of Ramadan) 2019 in Jewish Islamic Struggle for Control of Temple Mount

Although the May 2019 Israel Supreme Court decision on whether to allow Jewish access to the Temple Mount on Jerusalem Day 2019 would include even limited time access for Jews to the Temple Mount on that day, the court's decision to leave the ultimate decision to Jerusalem police ultimately resulted in that outcome. According to the posting of the Temple Institute to their Facebook account on June 2 more than 1000 Jews came to the Jewish entrance or Mugrabi Gate of the Temple Mount early on June 2 (Jerusalem Day) and found the gate to the Temple Mount still locked to them. They were still determined to go up to the Temple Mount this year on Jerusalem Day to celebrate the 52nd anniversary of freedom to access the Temple Mount achieved by Israel as part of its victory in the 1967 Six Day War against opposing neighbouring Arab and mostly Muslim nations. Of course the Temple Mount is the holiest site in Judaism in the world and the third holist site in the world in the Islamic religion. According to the Times of Israel article posted on June 2nd by the Temple Institute on their facebook account the Jerusalem police decided to let the Jewish Temple Mount access supporters go up to the Temple Mount after they conducted a security assessment. The police then let the Temple Mount Jewish activists up to the Temple Mount after suppressing some demonstrations of Muslims who were already on the Temple Mount for Ramadan against the arrival of the Jewish worshippers who sought to celebrate the Israeli victory over the Arabs including the achievement of some Israeli control over the Temple Mount in the 1967 Six Day War. The Jewish Temple Mount pilgrims, including one of the Temple Institute leaders Rabbi Chaim Richman, then went up to the Temple Mount with protection of Jerusalem police and took a tour or pilgrimage of the Temple Mount in the usual route for observant Jews around the Temple Mount plaza or what is mostly the former Herod's or Second Temple's outer court or Court of the Gentiles of the Temple Mount and then would have exited the Temple Mount back through the same Mugrabi Gate near the Western Wall plaza. There was then some antagonistic response by Muslims present to the passing Jewish pilgrims including shouts of the Islamic Allah or God is great chant by both Muslim men and women to which some of the Jewish pilgrims countered with Jewish or Israeli nationalist stagements or songs. All of this confrontation on and competition over the authority of the Temple Mount can be seen on some video clips on the Facebook page of the Temple Institute or perhaps their Youtube account, on Israel National News, the BBC or perhaps other places as well as the confrontation between angry Muslims and some of the Jerusalem police that were sent to protect the Jewish pilgrims and control some of the Muslim riots on the Temple Mount.

The riots by the Muslims included Muslims throwing stones, shoes and chairs at Jerusalem police and perhaps attempting to do this to some extent at some of the Jewish pilgrims on the Temple Mount. As has happened in previous riots or violent demonstrations by Muslims on the Temple Mount, including some previous times by the permission of Jewish access to the Temple Mount, some of the rioting Muslims would seek sanctuary in the Al Aqsa mosque which is at the south end of the Temple Mount and that has a grey dome. The Muslims who threw the chairs at Jerusalem Police would likely have obtained the chairs and some of the stones from the Al Aqsa mosque as well as some of the shoes. The Jerusalem police responded with shooting rubber bullets at some of the Muslim protesters and arresting and removing from the Temple Mount for charges some of the Muslim rioters. At least one Jewish pilgrim was also arrested on the Temple Mount for saying the Jewish Kaddish mourner's prayer out loud with Jewish or other non-Muslim prayer out loud generally forbidden on the Temple Mount by the Status Quo Temple Mount operations agreement that allow Jewish access to the Temple Mount but not audible prayer or similiar religious or nationalist expression and allows Islamic access and prayer etc. and other peaceful religious etc. expression on the Temple Mount. After the about 3 hours of alotted time for Jews to access the Temple Mount and the end of the time of Jewish worsippers on the Temple Mount on Jerusalem Day there were some continuing conflicts with Muslim rioters and Jerusalem police as the Jerusalem police got the situation on the Temple Mount back in peaceful order. There were likely complaints to Israel and the international authorities by the Palestinian and Jordanian authorities who represent Muslim control over the Temple Mount especially through the Mufti or Islamic leader of Jerusalem and the Islamic Waqf that governs the Temple Mount for Muslims. Israel banned and blocked access to the Temple Mount to Jews and other non-Muslims for the remaining days of Ramadan after Jerusalem Day in 2019. The situation will likely return to normal operations on the Temple Mount after Ramadan and Jerusalem Day.

June 2019 Bible Prophecy Significance of Recent Conflict Over Respective Temple Mount Access of Jews, Other Non-Muslims and Muslims

Although there have been some times or periods of intense strife between Jews and/or Israeli authorities and Muslim protesters and/or authorities regarding the Temple Mount (which the Muslims call Haram al-Sharif or the Noble Sanctuary) in the past including the last several years, the events of the last several weeks are still quite exceptional. The exceptional nature of the events of the last several weeks especially Jerusalem Day during the last days of Ramadan is especially because of the more organized and effective efforts of the combined Jewish Temple Mount activist organizations. (A couple decades ago these organizations were not nearly so united or as effective with legal representation or some political support in Israel.) What is quite exceptional about the recent events on and leading up to Jerusalem Day is that the Jewish Temple Mount activist organizations and members were able to persist and represent their views sufficiently strongly to make their point in leading Israeli organizations such as the Israeli Supreme Court, the Jerusalem police and some leading Israeli politicians in such as way that they succeeded in getting some Jewish access to the Temple Mount to celebrate a major in this case nationalist Jewish Israeli holiday Jerusalem Day, the victory of Israel over its Arab and Muslim oppenents in the 1967 Six Day War especially obtaining some control over the Old City of Temple Mount in Jerusalem, even though Jerusalem Day this year was at the same time as the major Islamic Holy month of Ramadan when the Temple Mount is usually closed to Jews and other non-Muslims. Also important is that, unlike some past responses to Jewish Muslim strife on the Temple Mount, the new closer and more co-operative relation of Jewish Temple Mount activist groups with the Jerusalem police achieved a couple years ago bore fruit this year for the Jewish Temple groups with ultimately leading the Jerusalem police to allow the Jewish pilgrims to go up to and tour and to some extent worship the true God. This true God is the LORD (Jehovah or Yahweh that in the fuller New Testament scripture revelation is composed of One Being in Three Persons Father, Son (bodily manifest in Jesus of Nazareth) and Holy Spirit) although most of these Temple Mount activist Jews would only see the LORD or Yahweh as One Person as well as One Being closer to being what Christians call God the Father.)

I therefore believe these events of and leading up to Jerusalem Day during the Islamic Ramadan this year indicate all the more that the coming false peace of Satan's man the Antichrist or the Beast out of the Sea, Man of Sin and he who causes abomination will very soon reveal himself publicly by coming on the world stage to announce he has led the confirmation of a Middle East peace treaty (covenant) that will allow the Jews to build their next Jewish Temple (the 3rd or tribulation temple) on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem that he will initially say will allow the Jews to worship the God of the Bible who is the true God the LORD or Yahweh according to the divine service by the Levitical priesthood as with the previous Israelite tabernacle and on the Temple Mount or Mount Moriah Solomon's (the 1st) Temple and Zerubbabel's than Herod's Temple(these two together the 2nd) Temple. This Middle East peace treaty will likely also be with Muslim nations especially those surrounding Israel and world powers like those that compose the so-called Quartet of the European Union (EU), the United States (US), the United Nations (UN) and Russia and possibly other world powers like China etc. perhaps beyond their involvement in the UN. This false peace of the Antichrist with his partner the False Prophet or Beast out of the Land will likely be led by the revived roman empire that the Antichrist will come out of based in Europe or the European Union. A main statement of this false peace is in the prophecy of the seventy weeks of years in Daniel 9 especially verse 27 which starts with the statement: "And he shall confirm the covenant with many for one week (of seven years the Israelite agricultural sabbatical year): and in the midst of the week he shall cause the sacrifice and oblation to cease...". Of course currently, in June 2019, the United States is about to reveal their new wider regional Middle East peace deal US President Donald Trump's so-called Deal of the Century but the EU is not or doesn't seem to be too active in promoting a counter offer for a Middle East peace deal other than still insisting in the traditional Two State Solution or Oslo Accord peace deal formula. The already high and recently heightened and not likely to be too much reduced tension between Jews and Muslims or evangelical Christian supporters of Orthodox or other Jewish Third Temple building advocates or western, Muslim or other opponents of Jews or Israel who support more Arab or Muslim control of the Old City of Jerusalem including the Temple Mount will likely continue to generally grow and not be able to be solved by mere human beings and their especially political efforts.

I believe this is further indication that there will be a solution to this Middle East especially Jewish Israeli and Muslim whether Arab, Iranian or otherwise strife including over the Temple Mount and authority or access to it will soon have a supernatural solution as outlined in Daniel 9 and other bible scriptures such as the agreement with death in Isaiah 28 or the statement of peace and safety in 1 Thessalonians 5 or the arrangement for sharing the Temple Mount in the first half of the tribulation described in Revelation 11:1-2. I also believe these recent and other recent or likely other soon coming events in the Middle East including directly regarding the Temple Mount mean the rapture or catching up of the true Church or true Christians to heaven with Jesus as mentioned in 1 Thessalonians 4, 1 Corinthians 15 or John 14 etc. just before this false of the Antichrist is also very soon. The true Church needs to be removed from the earth so God can then focus more fully on physically to the promised land of Israel God covenanted to the Jews or Israelites and to restore many more of them to a personally spiritually restored relation to Him as their God including His Son Jesus Christ as their Messiah come once and about to come again this time to rule the Earth from Jerusalem through restored Israel and her Messiah Jesus of Nazareth but with some supporting role of the true Church and the saved of the nations from non-Church ages such as the Old Testament times and the 7 year tribulation or 70th week of Daniel. The confirmation of the Middle East peace treaty by the Antichrist with Israel and others to allow Israel to build their Third Temple on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem among other things will start the 7 year tribulation or 70th week of Daniel's prophecy in Daniel 9.

The Antichrist will unilaterally break that covenant or treaty with Israel half way through the 70th week or after 3 1/2 years or 42 months or 1260 days in Revelation 11-13 and remove the Jews or their Levite or Jewish priest religious leaders and take over the Temple Mount and then by then fully built 3rd Temple Jewish Temple or Temple of God to do what he intended all along that is use it as a focal point to force all people left on earth to worship him as God as well as the devil the dragon or Satan who gave him this power and that will be temporarily allowed by the true Almighty Creator God of the Bible. This situation is described in the later part of Daniel 9:27, part of 2 Thessalonians 2, Matthew 24:15 and Revelation 13 and some other scriptures and will continue until the glorious Second Coming of the Lord Jesus Christ to earth. At the Second Coming of the Lord Jesus Christ He will on behalf of God the Father set up God's Kingdom over all the Earth as the Second Adam, Saviour of the world, Son of God, King of kings, King of Israel in the line of king David etc. and judge the world to remove all people who still haven't trusted in the Lord Jesus Christ as their personal Lord and Saviour and become some of God's restored people. Jesus will at His second coming also remove all demons from the Earth or around the Earth or any other demons left in the heavens and confine them all to the bottomless pit with the devil for a thousand years as in Revelation 20 and consistent with the general idea of Matthew 13:41 etc. The true Church of Christians or people of this age from Pentecost about 2000 years ago in Jerusalem to the very soon coming rapture or catching up of the true Church to the 3rd or highest heaven will at the Second Coming of Jesus at the end of the tribulation come from heaven with Jesus with many of the holy angels and the Shekinah glory of God the Father and many of the holy angels to set up and enjoy God's Millennial or Messianic Kingdom on earth as in Revelation 19 and 20, Acts 1:7-11, Matthew 26:62-65, 2 Thessalonians 1, Zechariah 14, Psalm 24, Daniel 7:13-14, Zechariah 12 etc.

In view of the current and continuing to develop events in our world especially in Jerusalem, Israel and other parts of the Middle East, including these recent events on Jerusalem Day and the Islamic Ramadan on the Temple Mount I would strongly encourage the reader to as soon as possible with your heart as will as your mind admit you are a sinner in God's sight according to His word the Holy Bible and trust in the Lord Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Saviour who died on the cross for our sins after living a sinless life and then rose from the dead on the third day after His cruxifiction partly by His own power so you can have eternal life, have an eternal home in and blessed life with the true God and His people in the heavenly Jerusalem, as well as the new earth and new heavens forever Revelation 21 and 22, have all your sins forgiven and have a spiritually restored relation with God as well as be brought to heaven and escape having to endure being on earth during the global Satanic rule of the beast or antichrist and severe plagues by God or His holy angels as in the Book of Revelation to those on earth during the tribulation or 70th week of Daniel.

with Jesus

April 2019 Passover Re-Enactment and Preparation for Third Temple Service in Jerusalem Including Levitical Choir But With Limitations by Jerusalem Police

On Monday, April 15th, 2019 in the week leading up to the Jewish Passover a Passover Re-Enactment and Preparation as in past Jewish Temple and preparing for the Third one was held. This cerememony was still held in the Old City of Jerusalem overlooking the Temple Mount but not as close to the Temple Mount as last year. According to Mordechai Persoff, leader of Mikdash (Temple) Educational Center who helped organize the event this year, according to the web site Breaking Israel News, the groups involved and the organizers of the Jewish Temple Passover Re-enactment encountered much more resistance from police and perhaps some other authorities this year than last year and perhaps previous years. This involved having to fill out multiple copies of official forms to gain approval to hold the event and being refused by police or other government authorities to be allowed to hold the event closer to the Temple Mount such as at the Davidson Centre at the foot of the south end of the Temple Mount where it was held last year. This resistance by the Jerusalem police and some government authorities to the holding or the nature of this authentic Jewish Temple and priesthood related version of Passover likely also compelled the organizers and some reporters of this event to instead bill it only as a re-enactment of the previous Temple Passovers instead of also a preparation for as soon as possible having authentic Passover observances in the next Jewish Temple on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem. The latter is an even greater reason why organizers and participants of this event are involved and support carrying out this ceremony and to what they believe to hasten the coming of the Jewish Messiah and the Messianic Kingdom and God's fuller blessing and protection of His chosen earthly nation and people of Israel.

There was again, however, authentic Jewish priests in the line of Aaron dressed in white linen garments, as instructed by God in Exodus 28 and 39 for them, carrying out the offering of the Passover lamb or goat on an Law of Moses consistent altar of sacrifice. These Levitical priests also used a laver to wash their hands and feet and lit a Menorah and blew silver trumpets at different times during the service to the LORD including at the actual offering of the Passover lamb or goat to the LORD as was also the tradition in Bible or Jewish Temple times. The priests also splashed some of the blood of the Passover lamb or goat against the side of a model altar. The Jewish priests have done this part of the ceremony at the side of a more authentic larger Jewish altar in previous ceremonies but could have been discouraged to do this this time also by the Jerusalem police or government authorities that apparently more this time consider those involved in these Jewish Temple restoration groups as political or religious extremists. There was still a significant crowd of supportive spectators despite heavy rain at the event this year which could be a deterrent since the event was mostly held in the open air. One particular good thing that was a sign of progress this year was that there was a band or choir of men with direct genetic links to the Levites and who are Temple service qualified Levites who gave the musical accompanyment to the service this year. They performed in a tan coloured tent just on the edge of the site where the Jewish temple related Passover ceremony was held in Jerusalem. This Levitical choir sang and played some instruments with Jewish music from the Hallel service according to the article Passover Sacrifice Reenactment: Success Despite Political Pushback by Breaking Israel News. The Hallel or Grand Hallel were the collective series of Psalms from Psalm 113 to 118 inclusive that were traditionally sung by the Levitical choir in the Temple during Temple or Bible days and by Jews in general in other places then and since that time apparently to the current day. Especially Psalm 118 among those Psalms includes a number of strong Messianic references. Although the participants of this musical group and perhaps the music they used as authentic for a Levitical choir in the Temple at Passover there were some elements that weren't as authentic and wouldn't yet be acceptable for their performing the worship music in an authentic or biblical way in the rebuilt Jewish temple in Jerusalem. This includes that the dress of the men was not in white linen robes with a sash but in a black suit jacket and pants and white shirt with tie and Jewish kippa on their heads and that they didn't play the traditional Levitical instruments of harps, lyres and cymbals but with western style keyboard and other modern western instruments including perhaps electronic synthesizer. In conclusion then, I was also disappointed that this year the Temple restoration groups including The Temple Institute and United Temple Mount Movement and others ran into more roadblocks than usual from Jerusalem police or other Israeli government officials towards holding this Jewish Temple service related Passover event including having to go through more red tape of signing forms, not getting to hold it as close as last time to the Temple Mount and perhaps having to downplay its preparation for the next temple I was glad they were able to hold it again and that some progress was made this year to being ready to hold it the rebuilt or Third Jewish Temple on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem with the participation of a Levitical choir.

In view that this quite authentic Jewish Passover service was held again in the Old City of Jerusalem not far from the Temple Mount and that it again involved actual offering of a Passover lamb or goat by biblically suitable dressed Jewish priests and that this year the service included at least some elements of a suitable Levitical choir these events are still a sign that the Third Temple in Jerusalem and the Divine service there will soon be restored. In view of this and that the confirmation and approval to let that service be restored will be by the Antichrist, Man of Sin, or he who causes abomination in his covenant with Israel and many (other nations) and that that will officially start the 7 year tribulation according to Daniel 9:27 I would encourage the reader to get ready for the true Messiah Jesus' soon return. This is because I and other Christians or Messianic Jews who take the Bible particularly literally and in context believe there will be a restoration of Israel including the Jews Who are God's chosen earthly nation and physical descendents of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob (Israel) in the last days. To make way for their fuller restoration God will remove His chosen heavenly people the Church when its main task of winning some people of all nations or ethnic groups to saving faith in God through His Son Jesus Christ and His death on the cross for our sins and rising from the dead to give us eternal life. Since this Great Commission is also nearing completion and since the above Temple groups are very supportive and already quite close to restoring physical worship of God in the rebuilt Jewish Temple in Jerusalem I would encourage you the reader, if you haven't already done so to personally wholeheartedly trust in the Lord Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Saviour so you can not only have forgiveness of all your sins in God's sight, salvation, eternal life, an eternal home in heaven and be a spiritually restored child of God but so you can also take part in the pre-tribulation rapture of taking to heaven of the true Church and avoid going through the 7 year tribulation on earth and experiencing the worldwide tyrannical rule of Satan's man the Antichrist or Beast and God's judgments and plagues on this world for sins and ungodliness. If you have already or if you trust in the Lord Jesus Christ at least before the rapture of the Church and immediately following tribulation on earth you can also be assured you will be part of the true Church, with some Old Testament saints and Holy Angels, and glory of God the Father that will be with the Lord Jesus Christ in His glorious Second Coming from heaven to earth at the end of the tribulation. At Jesus Second Coming He will judge the world and establish God's visible kingdom over all the earth based in Jerusalem and through spiritually and physically restored Israel and spiritually restored people of the nations with Jesus then on His throne of the holy of holies in the real Messianic Kingdom Temple or perhaps 4th Jewish Temple on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem as in Zechariah 14, Isaiah 2, Ezekiel 40-48, Matthew 23:37-39.

March 2019 Dispute Between Israel and Palestinian Arabs Over Formerly Closed Shrine Near the Golden or Mercy Gate on the Temple Mount and Implications

There is a small shrine on the Temple Mount in the Old City of Jerusalem near the Golden Gate or Mercy Gate which is called Sha'ar HaRachamaim in Hebrew and Bab al-Rahma in Arabic. This gate is just above the East(ern) Gate that leads to the Mount of Olives to the East of the Old City and will be used by the Lord Jesus Christ and the Shekinah Glory of God the Father to enter Jerusalem to make it the capital of the earth after Jesus' second coming and to set up the Messianic or Millennial Kingdom. A scripture reference to this is in Ezekiel 43 and 44. According to reports in Israel National News and the Times of Israel as referenced by the Temple Institute in their Facebook web page this Temple Mount shrine was closed for use by anyone in 2003 when some Palestinian Arabs associated with the terrorist Islamic organization Hamas were using it and planning to destroy some Jewish architecture there that dates back at least to the 2nd or Herod's Temple about 2000 years ago. This year there was a attempt by radical Muslims to take and occupy this shrine by force which they succeeded in doing by some of the men kicking down some of the fences guarding it. This was after a couple failed attempts when they were turned away by force from this area by the Israeli Temple Police. Recently there has been a change in the Islamic trust, the Waqf, that oversees the daily operations in the Temple Mount which the Muslims call Haram al-Sharif or Noble Sanctuary from 11 members to 18 to allow for more Palestinian Arab members. These Palestinian Arab members are in addition to the Jordanian members of the Waqf that has traditionally, since 1967, been the main authority composing the Waqf. The Jordanian members of the Waqf have traditionally been close to the Jordanian king now King Abdullah. The Jordanians were given authority through the Waqf over much of the oversight of the Temple Mount as part of the 1994 peace agreement between Jordan and Israel.

As a result of the forced entry into the Temple Mount shrine by some Arab rioters organized and led by some members of the Waqf Israel through its courts and Temple police did give some response. Some of these more militant actions by the Arabs were likely organized by the increasingly militant composition of the Waqf since it expanded to include more militant Palestinian Arab members. Israel responded by arresting about 60 Arabs including some leaders of the Waqf who were involved in the forced occupation of the Temple Mount shrine near the Golden Gate. Some of these Waqf leaders were also forcibly barred from the Temple Mount for up to 40 days. As a result of this both the Palestinian Authority, Hamas and Jordan who all don't recognize Israeli court or police actions against the Waqf or Waqf initiated actions for greater Muslim control on the Temple Mount criticized the Israeli actions as heavy handed and illegitimate. Partly due to this the Israeli government of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu made some concessions to allow some continued access for the Arab Muslims such as allowing them to have meetings at this shrine twice per month. This decision to make concessions to the Muslims for their forced seizure of this part of the Temple Mount was critized by some more right wing or Zionist and loyal to the Jewish character of Israel including the Temple Mount members of the Knesset (Israeli Parliament). One such Israeli Knesset member who criticized Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu's decision to allow the Muslims some continued access to this Temple Mount shrine due to their taking it by force is National Union or I think Jewish Home party leader Bezaled Smotrich. Mr. Smotrich took issue with Mr. Netanyahu's appeasement of the Muslims on the Temple Mount in this situation in a recent letter he wrote to Prime Minister Netanyahu saying in part: "Mr. Prime Minister, the fact that negotiations are held with criminals like him is a dangerous concession to violence. It is unthinkable that a sinner (some of the Arab Muslims especially the involved Muslim Waqf Temple Mount foundation leaders involved in this incident) should come out rewarded and the one-sided step the Waqf took in forcing its way into the compound should become an achievement. It is clear that slowly but surely the use of the (Temple Mount) compound will be expanded and within a short time the criminals and their emissaries will receive everything they desire."

Also related to this recent unrest around the shrine on the Temple Mount near the Golden Gate apparently the Muslims encouraged by the Islamic Waqf authority have been encouraging fundamentalist Muslims from other nations such as Wahhabi Muslims from the United Kingdom or fundamentalist Muslims from Turkey to visit the Temple Mount as tourists and do some of Waqf's dirty work and take outspoken words or actions on the Temple Mount against what sustained Israeli authority there is on the Temple Mount and demand more Muslim control there. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is seeking especially to uphold the Status Quo internationally agreed guidelines for the Temple Mount which allows Muslims to go up there and worship including pray there and for Jews or other non-Muslims to visit the Temple Mount but not to pray or worship there and for Muslims not to intimidate Jews or other non-Muslims from visiting the Temple Mount in the allowing visiting times on the Temple Mount for Jews or non-Muslims. As a result of the decision of Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu to allow some Muslim access to the Temple Mount shrine near the Golden Gate, that is seen as a capitulation to the Muslims by some Israeli Jews, more Jews than usual were visiting the Temple Mount in early March to defend their continued access to the Temple Mount. Also MK (Member of the Knesset) Bezalel Smotrich and others called for the construction of a synagogue on the Temple Mount, especially at the location of the Golden Gate shrine so Jews could pray on the Temple Mount. One of the most recent developments in this matter is that Jordan's King Abdullah is planning to soon visit the United States and speak before the United States Congress in Washington DC and share the Jordanian view on authority and events on the Temple Mount and try to persuade US Congress members to more greatly support the Jordanian than the Israeli view on authority of the Temple Mount in Jerusalem. King Abdullah could also seek to meet with US President Donald Trump or other White House officials when he is in Washington to share the Jordanian and Muslim position on the Temple Mount including the latest crisis centred on this Golden Gate Temple Mount shrine.

From a literal and dispensational Bible prophecy viewpoint such as I have, these recent events and conflict regarding Jewish or Muslim authority on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem likely means we are that much closer to the false Middle East peace by agreement of the Antichrist with Israel and other nations mentioned in Daniel 9:27 and elsewhere in the Bible. This covenant or peace agreement will include allowing Israel to rebuild their Jewish Temple on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem and use it for the Levitical sacrificial system as in Bible days for the first 3 1/2 year half of the tribulation. This temple would then by taken over by the Antichrist as tribulation period world leader to conduct forced worship of him sitting in that temple as God by the remaining inhabitants on earth. This forced worship of the devil's man the Antichrist or he who causes abomination or the beast out of the sea or man of sin will continue until the end of the seven year seventieth week of the prophecy in Daniel 9 with the defeat of the Antichrist and all people who are still following the world system by the Lord Jesus Christ when He comes from heaven at His glorious second coming to judge the world and set up God's Kingdom on earth. Since there are currently with this unrest on the Temple Mount including around the Golden Gate or East Gate in Jerusalem and this could likely mean it is that much closer to the revelation of the Antichrist to rule the world from Jerusalem in the 7 year tribulation and that the immediately preceding rapture or catching up to heaven of all true Christians or the true Church I would encourage the reader to take these recent events in Jerusalem as an incentive to immediately trust in Jesus. Trusting in the Lord Jesus Christ as one's personal Lord and Saviour who died on the cross for our sins and rose again the third day from the dead to offer God's eternal and resurrection life and restored relationship to Him through His Son the Lord Jesus Christ is not only the true God's only way of salvation but also His way of ensuring we who are or become part of His restored children are not left behind on earth during the tribulation but are caught to heaven beforehand to join Jesus and God the Father in heaven in our new eternal heavenly homes and that we will also be able to return at the end of the 7 year tribulation with Jesus from heaven to join Him in enjoying the blessings of His Messianic or Millennial Kingdom rule and true peace on and over all the Earth.

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Tenth and Last Red Heifer from Jewish Perspective
Dome of the Rock 2004 Earthquake in Israel
Feast of Trumpets and the Jews' Call to the Land
Part 3 Tribulation Temple
The 144,000 Messianic Jewish Witnesses
Third Temple Part 2
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